PH's Help!


New member
Hey im 17 years old doing sports and martial arts since i was 5 and the last 2 years i started weight lifting. Im 75kg 180cm tall . So ve been taking supplements many years knowing many things about many supplements and also the last months ive been reading over ph's...Im about to buy my first PH and i was thinking of havoc as it has minimal side effects and it gives nice gains...I would like to help me over the dosage and what should a nice post cycle therapy (pct) look like! Also if you are going to comment things like "lol man you are 17 dont take phs or so" just dont bother doing it...ive made my decision and have read alot so im aware...i just wanna try a if you can please help me! Thanks!
Hey im 17 years old doing sports and martial arts since i was 5 and the last 2 years i started weight lifting. Im 75kg 180cm tall . So ve been taking supplements many years knowing many things about many supplements and also the last months ive been reading over ph's...Im about to buy my first PH and i was thinking of havoc as it has minimal side effects and it gives nice gains...I would like to help me over the dosage and what should a nice PCT look like! Also if you are going to comment things like "lol man you are 17 dont take phs or so" just dont bother doing it...ive made my decision and have read alot so im aware...i just wanna try a if you can please help me! Thanks!

in the AAS game (as yoda would say) do or do not - there is no try.

this is a potentially life altering decision. can you live with the consequences the rest of your life?

you state there are side effects - do you know the side effects of those side effects? you can have a really poor quality of life after "just trying one cycle"

if you're willing to take that risk then you must have some extremely great reward waiting for you.

good luck.
im aware of the side effects and im gonna do it so i would appreciate some help thanks. my goals are to increase my muscle mass.
your wayy to young bro. 17!! c'mon man....

you risk so much for so little of gain. if you get some protein powder, creatine, fish oil and learn how to train/diet you will gain weight. How much?? that will be determined on how well your eating/training.

also at your age, test, GH, IGF1 levels are at the highest they will ever b naturally. take advantage of it. once your 24-26 and test begins to drop and other hormones are steady you can hop onto the pin and see if you like it.

But for now,
thank you mate that you tell me all those things but i already knew them, the things is that there is no way ill change my mind so i just want you to give me your advice...thanks...
im aware of the side effects and im gonna do it so i would appreciate some help thanks. my goals are to increase my muscle mass.

ok heres where i can tell you're not ready.

you say you want to increase your muscle mass. thats not a goal. a goal is I want to gain ten pounds. or I want to lose 5% body fat or I want to bench 500lbs.

a goal is something that you can record and achieve with certainty.

if you're going to do it - make a plan. know what you need to do if SHTF. don't guess - KNOW

and don't rely on some dumbass on the internet telling you what you need to do. know what you need to do and WHY you need to do it. placing your wellbeing in someone's hands - who you don't even know - is asinine.
no one here is going to feed an underage child info on how he thinks you should do steroids.

you make your own plan and maybe someone will tell you where you fucked up. thats your best bet.