pics from about a month ago.


New member
here's a few pics i had back i november sometime when i was just getting over the flu.i came back to the gym in june after a 2 year layoff weighing 179lbs.this pic i was about 195-96.i lost a little size from being sick but since i increased my cals pretty much,esp my carbs,i've gone from 195 3 weeks ago to 206 on monday.just started a GVT routine and really wanted to post these to see my progress at 30,60,and 90 days.:dj: also note the zits,lol.i switched to a way better brand of test enth.i got acne,backne and butt crackne,not to mention my skin feels like teflon all the time.i gotta get that bodybuilders bodywash.i've never had acne i my life.don't wanna start at 42yrs old,lol!
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here's a few pics i had back i november sometime when i was just getting over the flu.i came back to the gym in june after a 2 year layoff weighing 179lbs.this pic i was about 195-96.i lost a little size from being sick but since i increased my cals pretty much,esp my carbs,i've gone from 195 3 weeks ago to 206 on monday.just started a GVT routine and really wanted to post these to see my progress at 30,60,and 90 days.:dj: also note the zits,lol.i switched to a way better brand of test enth.i got acne,backne and butt crackne,not to mention my skin feels like teflon all the time.i gotta get that bodybuilders bodywash.i've never had acne i my life.don't wanna start at 42yrs old,lol!

Looking good @ 42 man.

I'm also training GVT after a long layoff, love that shit!
Looking good @ 42 man.

I'm also training GVT after a long layoff, love that shit!
thnx Jack.i've been into the GVT a full week tomorrow.only go on m-w-f but it's intense as all hell.the first few months i came back i did a max-ot routine to try and get my joints and tendons stronger and gain some type of strength back.i can't wait to see how i look after a full 30 days of long do you usually stay on?most i hear is from 3-6weeks?
thnx Jack.i've been into the GVT a full week tomorrow.only go on m-w-f but it's intense as all hell.the first few months i came back i did a max-ot routine to try and get my joints and tendons stronger and gain some type of strength back.i can't wait to see how i look after a full 30 days of long do you usually stay on?most i hear is from 3-6weeks?

4 weeks on 4 off for me and GVT.
Upcoming cycle I am looking to use GVT everyother workout.
since you seemed seasoned at this would you mind if i PM'd you with my routine just for a tweaking.critique?there's some things i till don't understand even tho it's only a 10 x 10 routine,a few of the exercises and patterns have me a bit confused.thnx.
since you seemed seasoned at this would you mind if i PM'd you with my routine just for a tweaking.critique?there's some things i till don't understand even tho it's only a 10 x 10 routine,a few of the exercises and patterns have me a bit confused.thnx.

Fvck yeah bro, I don't mind at all.

But...I have only been running any high volume training 6 months myself. Always been a heavy and hard kind of fella....but at almost 40 the body needs some TLC at times.