Pictures of my brewed test e, and test p.


I am banned!
Made my first ever homebrew.
Made 200ml of each. it all turned out great.

Test E on the left, then the slightly darker colour is test p. (dont mind the tren a, I didnt make that lol)
The stuff all came out crystal clear, the vials are alil gummed up from my oily hands all over them, and the flash on the camera doesnt do them much justice.
that looks beautiful bro! did u run into any problems? are there major differences w/ brewing prop & enanthate besides dosing?
Thanks guys! I am pretty happy with how it came out.
I did run into a few hiccups.
For some reason the calculator I used led me to have more product than what I had punched into the calculator.
I meant to make 185ml of each, and ended up with 200 on both batches.
But I did follow the recipe to a T.
and I made the prop @ 125mg/ml, and E @325mg/ml.
So absolute worst case scenario it is slightly underdosed than my intentions.
But that is still leaving me with over 100mg/ml, and over 300mg/ml which I can live with.

A few things I will do differently next time is,
Get a glass receiver cup for the bottle top filter, I applied too much vacuum on the test e and cracked the receiver slightly, it didnt leak thank god, but I had to move it all over, and re filter into a new filter, and I had only bought 2 bottle tops.
So I had to filter the 200ml of prop through whatman syringe filters.
the other thing I will change is the biggest syringe I had was 12ml, when transfering to anything (esp the 100ml vials) it was a PITA.
This was also annoying when I had to measure out 110+ml of GSO for both batches.
I will atleast get 30 or 60cc syringes next time.
I will also make sure to buy extra bottle top filters, as these save such a headache.

When it comes to brewing prop vs enenthate, it is basically the exact same process.
The numbers are different as the concentrations are different.
But the major thing to keep in mind is, Test E melts at around 90degF, so it melts quite quickly and easily on a stove top, in a pan with water.
The test P has a much higher melting point (120C), I used the same level on the stove for both batches, but the Prop took alot longer to completely dissolve. Dont rush through anything, I had alot of hormone swirls left over in my prop, from being impatient and not letting it cook long enough.
It all turned out great, I just made it for my friend and I. I am stoked to have a very lengthy supply for myself and still tons of powder left over for the futue.

Everything all said and done, It cost me as much as 1 cycle from a UGL. To make 400ml which basically will last me 232 weeks or some shit. hahaha
I will homebrew for good from now on, there is no reason to go through sketchy UGL's not knowing what you are getting.
Looks nice. The reason you ended up with more is because you need to know the real powder weights. Most people just use .75 for everything well you end up with too much. Prop is actually closer to .90 and TE closer to .94. Try using .85 next time and see if you come up with a more accurate amount, and you have to consider you are losing a good 7-10ml in the filter and the whole process so it's will be under dosed. With te at .94 I actually lost about 20ml of final solution but it was very good.

Yeah man you have to have glass media bottles as receivers. Makes life so much easier. Also if you use the whatman .22 zap cap you can literally crank the pump to 20-25 and let it roll. I've never had one break and never had a filter blow out.

Last time I used a nalgene I had the pump at 10 and the filter literally blew out after 200ml going through and ruined the whole batch, I will only use zaps now.

But it looks good. Good work.
That was my first thought was powder weight.
like I said though, I made 325/125 so worst case scenario is I ended up with atleast 100mg/300mg.
Which is find by me. Im just happy to have accurately dosed shit, and not have to worry about sketchy ugls anymore.
Here is a better picture of the gear I made~!!!!
Still so happy with how it turned out, I keep pulling out the vials and looking at how nice they are! hahahah

Also, I can tell the shit is very well dosed, I am sweating balls when I am at the gym. The last time I did test only it was the exact same and that was EP's gear. I have done 2 cycles since then from questionable labs and neither of them gave me the sides like EP's and my own Homebrew. I am happy as fuck!!! hahah
How many mg of Prop and Tren are you running a week?

Here is a better picture of the gear I made~!!!!
Still so happy with how it turned out, I keep pulling out the vials and looking at how nice they are! hahahah


LOL, I know exactly what you mean :wink2:

By the way, the vials look delicious. The yellow one on the left looks just like a bottle of apple juice
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No not at all, Hahaha. I don't know the first thing about chemistry or mathmatics. im a car salesman. Homebrewing is just wicked easy. It's more difficult to bake brownies than it is to homebrew
Man those vials look great. You must be ecstatic to get off that "who knows what" ug junk and hit some properly dosed gear.

This is the exact reason I am wanting to homebrew
good work,,

Unfortunately the problem with homebrewing is that the quality of you powder will more than likely be less potent then an highly repped ugl,, so all in all you are saving money getting the piece of mind of what your dosing... but your powder quality will b minimal at the least...

I think homebrewing tren pellets is where its at test should be pharm grade ,,,
good work,,

Unfortunately the problem with homebrewing is that the quality of you powder will more than likely be less potent then an highly repped ugl,, so all in all you are saving money getting the piece of mind of what your dosing... but your powder quality will b minimal at the least...

I think homebrewing tren pellets is where its at test should be pharm grade ,,,
What makes you think that the powder will be subpar?

Do you realize how dirt fucking cheap real test powder is? Esp in china? You're talking less than $00.25 a gram! Why the shit would they bother cutting it up with something when they are already over trippling their money? Its Economics bro.

Plus when you go through a multi million dollar pharmacy/chemical company like I do you get provided with all lab test results, and COA sheets for the test powders.
Its not bunk powder, and you seem uneducated for making that post.
Maybe if I bought the powder locally from some sketchy guy. But no, I am in direct contact with their sales manager, who is the same guy who sells powder to smaller pharmacy companies around the world.

Its not like buying powder from some guys basement where he cuts it up with flower, this place hires over 250 employess.

As do most real powder suppliers.

Grab a seat, hang out for alittle and get educated.
good work,,

Unfortunately the problem with homebrewing is that the quality of you powder will more than likely be less potent then an highly repped ugl,, so all in all you are saving money getting the piece of mind of what your dosing... but your powder quality will b minimal at the least...

I think homebrewing tren pellets is where its at test should be pharm grade ,,,

And do you realize the majority of UGL's are getting the same raw powders that we have available to us..... The just scale it up. They dont have some "elite pass" into Pfzer or Novartis to get usp grade raw powders... cmon bro...