Pill/Tablet cutting?......


Sooooo, the Adex tablets I get are super tiny and difficult to divide up into small portions. I've tried a razor blade straight through, sawing them, I've tried pill cutters. Every time I seem to get one good half and the other is just crushed to shit.

1mg of Adex is a bit much for me in 1 dose, I'd like to just have half doses readily available, any ideas on splitting tablets cleanly?
My pill splitter works quite well on them too. I can divide them into quarter although they are not perfectly uniform..

If you cannot get a better pill splitter, you can pulverize the pills and dose them by weight. You will need a scale that can measure low weights very accurately though.
I had very small tabs of Adex from a ugl a while back that were a whore to cut. Even with a cutter the one side would crumble to bits. I just eye balled it to be honest. Not accurate but thats what I did lol. A scale would work most accurately as Mega stated
Any pharmacy carries pill cutters, there cheap and work well
Think I picked mine up from shoppers drug mart ( canada) for under $ 10.00 less hassle and u can nicely cut the pill up quarterly
Yeah a pill cutter should work good - you might find a higher quality one at a
medical supply shop, but that's just a guess?

If not... :chomp:
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When half of the pill comes out looking good, and the other half crumbles, just lick up the crumbles and save the good half for the next day.