pining days advice please


New member
Hi Guys

Just looking for some advice on accurate days to pin on.

When on cyp I use to pin Saturday then on Wednesdays but not sure on this cycle because ive added decca in this course.

would Saturday and Wednesday be ok on cyp and decca, there both 300mg

Going to do something similar and pin 1cc of each (2 jabs) same day. Can handle 1cc with no PIP, so why push 2 in one hole?
I use Sustanon (sust) as my test on this cycle and am pinning it eod to take maximum advantage of the short far, so good! I'm into week 8 now, and am looking & feeling like a beast in the gym (but that probably has something to do with the Tren that I'm taking too! ;)
Going to do something similar and pin 1cc of each (2 jabs) same day. Can handle 1cc with no PIP, so why push 2 in one hole?
Pinning twice as many times requires twice as many sites. If you pin a slightly higher volume at once in the same site, you don't have to start looking for new places to bury that needle. 2mL isn't that bad at all in my opinion. ;)
Pinning twice as many times requires twice as many sites. If you pin a slightly higher volume at once in the same site, you don't have to start looking for new places to bury that needle. 2mL isn't that bad at all in my opinion. ;)

Good point, but then you have to draw from two vials. Do you switch needles between each draw to avoid cross contaminating vial? I have been drawing and shooting with same needle. So in this case, draw from #1, switch needle, draw from #2, then inject?
no just draw from both, I've ran test and eq 1 ml each in same pin in quad with no issues before
Good point, but then you have to draw from two vials. Do you switch needles between each draw to avoid cross contaminating vial? I have been drawing and shooting with same needle. So in this case, draw from #1, switch needle, draw from #2, then inject?
no just draw from both, I've ran test and eq 1 ml each in same pin in quad with no issues before

I just pull up air for the first vial, inject the air into it, draw up the appropriate amount of oil, draw up air with the oil still in the syringe, inject it carefully into the second vial, and draw up the second oil. It gets tricky once you start doing over 3mL, but it's totally doable. :)