Pinning Test 400 (200mg T Enanthate, 200mg T Decanoate)


New member
Hi guys i'm looking to run my first cycle of Test 400 for 10 weeks

The problem is i know i should pin twice a week but i don't want to be pinning 800mg a week because i know it's way more than i need! (and the chance of sides is obviously higher) but with the Enanthate esters half life i'm pretty sure i need to pin twice a week?

My question is anyway, am i able to pin half Ml's or is that not a good idea?

OR is it fine to just pin once a week?

if it was a straight forward Test 250 i wouldn't be asking this question but just want to see what others have to say with experience rather than some idiot at my gym.

I'm 5.8 and 170lbs(77kg)