As the title says planning my 3rd cycle.
My 1st cycle was 400mg/wk test e for 10 weeks goal was to achieve as much lean muscle mass as possible and i had amazing results and managed to maintain most of my gains for my 10 weeks off.
2nd cycle was 500mg/wk test p. with this i was going to start short burst cycles my aim was to maintain my muscle mass while stripping the fat and i was very strict and had amazing results i went from 114kg to 113 and managed to drop 2.5% meaning I put on lean muscle mass while also dropping bf and that was in a 4 week period, big issue was prop didnt seem to agree with my body, the pain was insane and my limp would alternate from leg to leg because my rotation was left glute, right glute, left quad, right quad injecting eod which raised suspicion at work. Constantly felt run down on cycle and ended up getting a flu/fever that wouldnt go away so i cut my cycle short and i seem to have recovered from that period.
Now with my history on test E i felt great, had no pain no issues although i want to run a 10 week cycle for my 3rd cycle was planning on doing test E and tren ace.
If i run the test E i was going to front load and start the tren ace in the 3rd week do ED injections and see how my body reacts to the tren probs only start at 200mg/wk tren and hopefully if no sides increase till i get up to 350mg/wk.
Ill have adex which I will run .5mg eod and prami on hand.
So many people say lower test reduces the sides so in this case what should i dose the test E weekly?
My 1st cycle was 400mg/wk test e for 10 weeks goal was to achieve as much lean muscle mass as possible and i had amazing results and managed to maintain most of my gains for my 10 weeks off.
2nd cycle was 500mg/wk test p. with this i was going to start short burst cycles my aim was to maintain my muscle mass while stripping the fat and i was very strict and had amazing results i went from 114kg to 113 and managed to drop 2.5% meaning I put on lean muscle mass while also dropping bf and that was in a 4 week period, big issue was prop didnt seem to agree with my body, the pain was insane and my limp would alternate from leg to leg because my rotation was left glute, right glute, left quad, right quad injecting eod which raised suspicion at work. Constantly felt run down on cycle and ended up getting a flu/fever that wouldnt go away so i cut my cycle short and i seem to have recovered from that period.
Now with my history on test E i felt great, had no pain no issues although i want to run a 10 week cycle for my 3rd cycle was planning on doing test E and tren ace.
If i run the test E i was going to front load and start the tren ace in the 3rd week do ED injections and see how my body reacts to the tren probs only start at 200mg/wk tren and hopefully if no sides increase till i get up to 350mg/wk.
Ill have adex which I will run .5mg eod and prami on hand.
So many people say lower test reduces the sides so in this case what should i dose the test E weekly?