Hi guys,
I'm 24 years old and I've been lifting for almost five years now at least 3-4 times a week. I'm currently 6'3, 198lbs. I started at 160 lbs five years ago. I'm an ectomorph and have to really eat my face off to see any weight gain. No matter what I do I always hover around 195lbs and I've plateaued two years ago and to be honest I'm bord seeing no gains and this is why I'm here.
I'm planning on running a Test Cyp only cycle and possibly add an oral towards the end. I've got a workout and diet plan all written up and I'm ready to go. Just have to get my bloodwork done before I go ahead with anything.
I just have some questions about the dosages and my PCT
I'm thinking of running the test at 500mg
PCT will be Nolva or Clomid most likely.
Any other recommendations would be appreciated. I have a solid foundation and would like to throw in an oral towards the end. Thanks.
View attachment 560246
I'm 24 years old and I've been lifting for almost five years now at least 3-4 times a week. I'm currently 6'3, 198lbs. I started at 160 lbs five years ago. I'm an ectomorph and have to really eat my face off to see any weight gain. No matter what I do I always hover around 195lbs and I've plateaued two years ago and to be honest I'm bord seeing no gains and this is why I'm here.
I'm planning on running a Test Cyp only cycle and possibly add an oral towards the end. I've got a workout and diet plan all written up and I'm ready to go. Just have to get my bloodwork done before I go ahead with anything.
I just have some questions about the dosages and my PCT
I'm thinking of running the test at 500mg
PCT will be Nolva or Clomid most likely.
Any other recommendations would be appreciated. I have a solid foundation and would like to throw in an oral towards the end. Thanks.
View attachment 560246