please advise on diet for 1st cycle


New member

i am about to go on my first steroid cycle.8 weeks of dianabol and deca.

i'm 24, 6ft2, 215lbs and 14%bf.

how much should i eat,protein wise, to attain maximum gains from this cycle?
i'm not really concerned about having much less bf than what i have right now.i just want to get bigger.

i've been eating 5times a day and getting about 200grams of protein a day till for the past 3months.

i've been training for 2yrs and never been on a it true that just being on steroids rips the fat away and that you don't really have to diet unless you want less than 10%bf for competitions or whatever?

any informed opinion will be greatly appreciated.

Im know expert but most steroids dont make you lose any fat. The only way to lose fat effectivly is the right diet and cardio. For gain weight you should have more than one gram of protein per pound of body weight. (1.25 - 2 grams of protien). Then again im no expert but thats what i have read and heard.
You wanna bulk up? For a person your size you should have an intake of 4,000 - 5000 good calories a day and about 250-300 grams of protein. And you also have to have a good training routine.
Body comp changes are best achieved through diet. Yes Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will help speed the process and aid in achieving ones goals..Try bumping cals into the 18-20x bw..40p/40c/20f
4300 cals
430g pro
430g carbs
95g fat
I would really get used to any diet first then start ur cycle if you want optimal gains..