Please critique my first cycle before I start.

Keep your E in check and the water will be minimal. You will not get bloat, if you do know what we said. Good luck, know the sides all of them for E2 high n low keep track of how you feel as you keep track of E2.
Will do. I plan on getting blood work about 6 weeks in to check test and estrogen. From what I gathered low signs would be low b/p, low libido, achy joints, slow gains. And high would be high b/p, low libido, itchy Nipples, bloat. With such a low Adex dose hopefully I won't have to worry about it bottoming out. I'm more concerned with it getting high but I can always adjust to .5 eod if needed
I thought i nerded out on my first cycle but looks like you planned yours very well. I'm finishing week 2 of my beginner 500mg Test E 10 week cycle. I got hammered by every veteran on here (and another forum) because I wanted to go cheap and just use Nolva for estrogen control. I finally gave up the battle and just started taking my arimadex .5 eod (mainly because my backup order of Aromasin finally arrived so I didn't need to skimp out on my AI's anymore....ha).

So wondering about your pct. I noticed you aren't doing decreasing dosage of clomid. I was planning to do something similar with 10 days of the higher dose nolva and clomid followed by 10 days of the half dose. I don't want to do more drugs then are necessary to recover. I'd like to take a minimalist approach. (Not cheap approach as I have plenty of both clomid and nolva but just don't want overkill)Where did you get your PCT plan from?

I'm also sitting on my hcg and haven't figured out what I want to do with it. Seems so many hot sports opinions on hcg. I know everyone on this site likes the 500iu per week method on cycle but there are other forums where all the veterans agree only use it at end of cycle before starting PCT. both camps seem to feel very strongly about their positions. The one thing they all agree on is HCG is not for PCT (i.e. HCG on cycle only although some say take during that two week period prior to PCT).
I decided on the pct dosage based on what I found on a majority of forums. My plan is to see how I feel on week 4 and extend the Nolvadex for 2 more weeks if absolutely needed. Some do run 100 the first week or 2 of clomid but to be honest running it 50/50/50/50 is all I have on hand. Somehow I managed to get all my gear including hcg and pct from a doc. Luckily he is on board with me running cycles instead of going on permanent trt. As far as hcg. I also got flak from people saying to mega dose it at the end. However I buy into its easier to keep everything going instead of having to restart everything at the end. About 75 percent of what I read was in favor of this. If I have any sort of problems with my nuts I will probably up the dose the last 10 days or so. However with the prop I'm taking at the end I won't have to wait 2 weeks for my pct. feel free to post on this thread unless u have one up and running.
Also let me know how .5 Adex works for u. I settled on .25 eod because to much will hinder gains from what I have read. So I'll up it if I have any signs of high e2
I have a whole spreadsheet where I compiled all the different pct options. I think I am going to go with a standard 21 day option i saw on a few sites. Its 250 clomid and 60 nolva day 1. Followed by 10 days of 100/40 and 10 days 50/40. Of all the options this pct plan used the least amount of drugs and was shortest duration. I based most of my research on websites I found with actual articles not forum posts. (Not saying forums don't have good info since its probably same guy posting on forums that write the article).

With regard to the hcg, i don't know exactly the medical arguments but its something to do with your body quickly desensitizes to hcg and you get no benefit from it after 4 weeks regardless if you are doing 500iu a week or 1500iu a week. Your testicles or whatever just desensitive and receive no benefit. I have a gf that works at compounding pharmacy and she says that is what all her textboks say and her pharmacist used to bodybuild and said same thing. So that's why I am still on the fence about it because like you said, 75% of forums say just to do the little hits of hcg your whole cycle.
Also let me know how .5 Adex works for u. I settled on .25 eod because to much will hinder gains from what I have read. So I'll up it if I have any signs of high e2

I actually started on about 0.3mg eod of arimadex cause when i busted pills in half some of them broke off in little pieces so i just started taking the small pieces first. I may half my other pieces and stay on this approximatley 0.3 eod dose. I almost wasn't going to do any AI at all as I read several places that I don't need it for 500mg of test or to just have it on hand for emergency. But then of course got hammered by everyone on forums that I was a retard not to take my estrogen blockers so I just did it to ease my conscience since the guys made me so damn paranoid.
I actually started on about 0.3mg eod of arimadex cause when i busted pills in half some of them broke off in little pieces so i just started taking the small pieces first. I may half my other pieces and stay on this approximatley 0.3 eod dose. I almost wasn't going to do any AI at all as I read several places that I don't need it for 500mg of test or to just have it on hand for emergency. But then of course got hammered by everyone on forums that I was a retard not to take my estrogen blockers so I just did it to ease my conscience since the guys made me so damn paranoid.

Texas it is good you finally gave in on the AI and Arimidex is easily dosed accurately. I think maybe by know you understand that 500 mgs will raise you Test level and in fact that raises E2. SO whether a little or a lot you must manage it. Also on hand means that by the time you have bad sides you already have a problem so ergo the preventative medicine.

Being redundant for you OP needs to fully understand. :)
Everything's going great so far. Eating like a horse. Pinned test cyp/prop Monday and hcg. And prop today. Will be running the prop eod. Leg was sore from the prop but it's a pain I embrace. Will keep you updated.
I'm gonna start fasted cardio at about week 6 to cut down on some fat gain. And I have been on .25 Adex eod since first pin.
Started week 4 today. First week with the prop dropped. Everything is going good. Had to reduce my Adex to .25 on days I pic only. M and f. My joints where getting way to dry. Will know more when I get bloods at week 6 or 7.