Please help me. I need advice.


New member
Good morning all,

Thank you for you for trying to help me. I am in my mid 40's and had my testosterone checked a year ago. When I was young 16 I used many anabolic and androgenic steriods for close to 2 years. I had great success, but even using HCG in the PCT, I was unable to bring back one of my testicles. I had been living with a free testosterone level of 235 from my 20's till the recent check up. I can't tell you how terrible my feelings and attitude were and no doctor was willing to do anything about it. Now with the new medical tests I have been finally given Testosterone Cypionate injection( 3ml, 2x a week) and it's done wonders for my life and my mind. Unfortunately now that my shit is together I am with someone who wants to have children. I went to the sperm clinic to store my sperm for that rainy day and of course all my swimmers are dead...none. I had been able to get 3 people pregnant prior to the new use of testosterone, so I do produce.

I was thinking of going off and starting HCG to restart my testicles as a last ditch effort before having my friend go jerk off in a tube for me. What is the proper way to do this?

I am also on HGH, for a medical reason as well and have access to Clomid, and HCG and really anything else that could help. I also what to get this done and get back on to get into the greatest shape for my wedding in the fall. Please guys, I need help and I only wish things like this forum existed when I was 16. I had to reverse engineer the book Death in the Locker Room to just get an idea of what to be doing( needless to say I stunted my growth at such a young age).

So to be clear, how do I get sperm production back, then start up again and I need proper dosages for all of it.

Thank you,

Sincerely Sterile.
Free Testosterone of 235 is amazingly high. I am surprised a doctor would put you on TRT. Unless you meant to say Total Testosterone???

Anyway, I would first try staying on TRT and adding 500iu of hCG twice a week to your protocol. That will hopefully do the trick. If it doesn't work, your next option would be hMG. Good luck! If you have a boy please name him Tron.
My wife and I tried in vitro several years ago... and at the time I was running testosterone
along with a very high dose of tren and dbol... I was blasting and cruising...

I dropped the tren and dbol and brought the testosterone down to a low moderate dose while
running hCG at 500iu's twice a week... 5 weeks on, 1 week off - then repeat.

When they tested me, the boys were swimming very well.

You mentioned using hCG in the PCT, and perhaps that's not what you meant... but hCG should not
be run at the same time as your PCT.

I should mention - I run hCG at 500iu's twice a week - 5 weeks on, 1 week off - then repeat... throughout
all my cycles - not just because of the in vitro test's.

Please keep us posted - you have a lot of experience here at Ology to give you as much help as possible. :)
Repo, Once again, thank you for your comments. Very helpful. Were you using clomid or Nolavdex during this?