Why run both Test E and P?
I read that front loading test p keeps your test stable and using it at the end also does the same....
Why start hCG so late? It should be run from the beginning.
I've also read that using hcg for too long of a period can desensitize it's mechanism... So I wanted to keep it short.... Should I run it after week 4?
Don't use letro. Use Arimidex or Aromasin. Too easy to crash your estrogen with Letro
I've used letro and your right... It's a cheaper alternative... Which do you suggest that's better in your experience?
AI should not be used during PCT. Use Clomid and Nolva.
I wanted to use it because I read this
"Exemestane (Aromasin) is a Type 1 inhibitor and so therefore is a steroidal inhibitor or suicidal aromatase inhibitor. It’s called this because it lowers estrogen production in the body by attaching to the aromatase enzyme, and permanently deactivating it, and being a steroidal type 1 inhibitor it has androgenic effects. It is especially good as a test boosting AI as it prevents SHBG releasing more free test and as it averages an 85% rate of estrogen suppression which translates to an overall reduction in estradiol levels of about 50%, as well as raising testosterone to a significant degree it makes it quite exciting. Because its a type 1 inhibitor it offers other promising aspects, once it deactivates the aromatase enzyme those particular enzymes will no longer function, even if your body produces more aromatize, it cant do anything because it cant bind. In this case, the advantage of using a suicidal aromatize inhibitor is that it really won’t cause much, if any, noticeable “rebound” in estrogen when you cease using it, so no rebound gyno which is quite possible with Anastrozole and letrozole. Also as well as reducing water retention, having no negative impact on good cholesterol, no chance of rebound gyno, its androgenic effects make it great to use in pct, as a pre workout boost, 25mg taken and hour or so before training always does its job for me, and helps keep strength up during PCT with is mild androgenic effect. Talking of PCT it is also the only AI that should be used with Nolva, it doesnt interfere with the actions of nolvadex, nolva will reduce about 60 percent of the effect of both letro and arimadex.. so it seems pointless, thought they are great on cycle for reducing estrogen, once into PCT its a different story and Aromasin is king. Remember we said above it permanently deactivates the aromatize enzyme.. well it means it doesnt need to be taken everyday.. and it will still increase IGF levels substantially, which normally plummet in pct, and still prevent any estrogen and water retention…. this permanent effect on the Aromatize enzyme maybe the reason why nolva doesn’t interfere with it."
You need to do a lot more homework. This is a very poorly constructed cycle.
Can you be more specific as to what's poorly constructed besides the hcg and the ai in pct
What is your age, height weight and body fat %? Years training?
I'm 25 200lb about 10%bf and have 7 years training.