Please review and offer any advice on my 1st cycle


New member
I'll start with my info. I'm 33, 6'0" and 210lbs. I have a very strict diet, supplement and workout regimen. Over the past year I've notice a decrease in muscle mass and strength. Also an increase in body fat. A year ago I was 8% body fat and now I'm at 17%. I did a lot of research on AAS and came to the forum for advice. They recommended a blood test, which I did. My total testosterone was 290. So I decided AAS was definitely for me. After more research I decided for my first cycle I should start small. I am doing 100mg of Tren A
100mg of Masterone E
250iu of HCG
every other day. And
25mg of Exremestane everyday.
Any advice, suggestions or criticisms would be greatly appreciated.
Id start by going to the doc and get possible testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) "testosterone replacement therapy". And if you wanting to cycle read the stickys and austinites cycling for beginners. You need to start with a simple 500-700mg of test a week for 10-14 weeks. Test only should always be your first cycle.
Wow, wow, don't even think about Tren for the next 5-7 cycles.

What was your Testosterone Serum? this is the important one, which actually do the work in your body.

If you do not know, you need to find out. Get a blood work 1st thing in the morning, and be fasted for at least 12 hours to get the accurate results. It can be done for $50 dollars without visiting your doctor.

This is the thread you need to read
Make sure to check out other links in that thread, about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Blood test, etc...
I decided to start with Tren first because of its mild aromatizing side effects. I have always had a problem with gynecomastia when using prohormones. Much of what I read said that doing my first cycle with something other than Test would be okay due to my lengthy experience with prohormones. This is because usually the first cycle of Test is to judge how your body will respond to the androgenic and anabolic side effects. Please correct me if I've made a mistake.
I'd def still stick to the test only for first cycle. Tren is an amazing steroid but it can really mess you up if you don't know what you are doing.
def go with test only. ive ran 3 cycles and ran tren on the 3rd one..i will say this... no one believes me but tren does nothing for me except make me hungry as fuck. and no the gear wasnt bad... i a well trusted lab as well as other buddies used same batch and killed it. but go with test only and see how you respond. get your doses right and diet right,
As noted above, bloodwork to determine if you are Primary or Secondary hypogonadism. TRT/HRT may be the ticket for you. Regardless, i would square away my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) issues first before beginning an AAS cycle.