Pls Help with D-boll,Test and post cycle therapy (pct) cycle


New member
Pls Help with D-boll,Test and pct cycle

Hi Guys,

I am 6ft5 and 95kg 36 years old
Lifting for years and diet is ok for know.Would like to add some size and strenght

I would like to go on a nice d-boll and test cycle with a PCT.(pls advice what i should use for a PCT)

Pls give me a breakdown of how long and how much i should use each day and when to start the PCT

Thank you
Well if you look throught the board for a little bit, you'll find plenty of guys that have run that exact same cycle before you and you could very easily get an idea of how to run it. I highly suggest this instead of just asking the question here because the logs that bros have kept on those cycles are full of so much helpful information that can get you on the right path, and answer so many questions for you. THENNNN....once you feel you've learned a bit about it, you can get some more specific info by asking questions pertaining to your exact situation.

But a quick look at it would look something like this,
500mg test per week for 12 weeks
50mg dbol every day for weeks 1-4
aromasin 12.5mg EOD weeks 2-12

Then PCT
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Thanx Mate,
I am new to this,
When do i start the post cycle therapy (pct) Clomid and Nolva?
And what does the 50/50/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 means?
Also the aromasin 1.5mg,is that 12.5mg everyday during weeks 2-12?

Once again Thank you
First off u need to do some research before u plunge right into the world of AAS.
When u start post cycle therapy (pct) all depends on the half life of ur gear and when it leaves Ur body. So wat kind of test r u running?
First off u need to do some research before u plunge right into the world of AAS.
When u start post cycle therapy (pct) all depends on the half life of ur gear and when it leaves Ur body. So wat kind of test r u running?

I will be doing Test cyponite 250mg and the normal pink 5mg d -boll tablets.

Thank you bump the test to 500mg total per week.
And start post cycle therapy (pct) about 14 days after last injection
Read some other friends bud. Not eveyone on here wants to hold your hand and walk you through the ins and outs of how to do it, what to do, and when to do it...ya know?
HOwever....When to begin post cycle therapy (pct) depends on which Test ester you choose.
50/50/50/50 means 50mg per day for 4 weeks. 40/40/20/20 means 40mg per day for first 2 weeks then 20mg per day last 2 weeks.
And as for the aromasin 12.5 mg every day.... may not be necessary, youll have to wait and observe what kind of sides (if any) that you get, and start slowly to find what work for you. Yes some run it every day. Some every couple days. Its really "Shooter Preference"...haha. Having said that, you dont HAVE to start it week to...depends on your reaction to the test.
Hope this helps...but please, do yourself a favor and do some reading on here.