Possibly going to run 1st PH cycle / Halovar In


New member
Hey guys.... This is my first cycle of anything over a natty test, so all info without bullsheet with be appropriated! and if you give me bs, make it at least bs that I can use.... :)

I'm 30, 220lbs @ 6'3

Is a 6 week cycle of Halovar In ideal? if so, 50/50/75/75/75/75 ?

For a serm, LiquidNolva? if so, how should I run it? Can I start it a week into my cycle without f-ing something up?

As for PCT, are all OTCs crap? if so, clomid and DAA? what about Nolva during the pct?

I can also also get test, but I'm getting the Hal at a deal so I'm going with it my first time. Is it possible to add a low Test on top of Hal? If so, how much?

I also heard some people's libidos dropping after 4 weeks.....

Running liver supp, and my diet is solid and heavy.

Thanks guys
If you don't have an MD to prescribe Nolva you can easily and safely order it online.

On PH my libido drops faster than that, I would say 10 days in I notice a drop.

On cycle use forma stanzol

Why prohormones instead of pinning ?