Post contest PCT. Need help with layout


New member

3.5 weeks out from my first comp.
This is what i have been running:
1-4 EPI 30 mg ED
1-12 cycle support
1-10 test e 250 x2
1-12 armidex startet out @ 0,5 EOD. Running 1mg ED atm
6-12 winstrol 50 mg ED

Planing on doing two shows. First one is end of week 12. Second is end of week 14.
Dropping test two weeks out from the first show, and running winstrol.
Was wondering how i should do it with PCT?
Could i run test prop week 13, together with AI. And week 14 just AI, up to the second show?
Then prop for one more week before i start my PCT?
This is my first prep. Wasnt really planing on doing two shows.
This is also my first test cycle.
