Post Cycle nipple soreness and lump - only in right nipple


New member
My last injection was July 2nd. PCT ended end of July/beginning of August. 1 month after pct I got a lump underneath my right nipple.

I've done a few cycles and have had lumps on cycle but never after pct.

My cycle was:

Weeks 1-8 100mg Test prop EOD
Weeks 1-8 50mg tren ace EOD
Weeks 1-8 12.5mg exemestane EOD


Weeks 1-4 25mg exemstane EOD
Weeks 1 120mg Torem ED
Weeks 2-4 60mg Torem ED

I just did another week of Torem at 120mg ED and still no change in size or soreness.

Any ideas? Prolactin issue?
could very well be prolactin related .seems like u didn't use any caber or prami ? may be prolactin . maybe try to get bloods done if that's an option . lump by the nipple is sign of gyno . don't know much about torem as a pct or in general haven't read much on it . but u may want to look into either a dopamine agonist (caber prami ) for prolactin sides or run an ai for a bit . Id say its pretty crucial u go for blood work !
impossible for it to be prolactin related... prolactin sides will only occur while running the compound causing it and will go away once that compound is stopped...

so, it's most likely mild gyno, which many of us have... just have to keep it dormant by running some nolva and an ai during all future cycles. the only way to get rid of it is surgery, meds will only minimize it or keep it from getting worse
impossible for it to be prolactin related... prolactin sides will only occur while running the compound causing it and will go away once that compound is stopped...

so, it's most likely mild gyno, which many of us have... just have to keep it dormant by running some nolva and an ai during all future cycles. the only way to get rid of it is surgery, meds will only minimize it or keep it from getting worse

I've definitely have had this before but it has always gone away during pct. I didn't even get it on cycle this go around. Maybe my exemestane is bunk. Shit!
could very well be . id try to get a hold of some legit nolva and arimidex or aromasin . from what I understand when the lump forms , if u take proper steps u can still reverse it quite quickly before it sets .
could very well be . id try to get a hold of some legit nolva and arimidex or aromasin . from what I understand when the lump forms , if u take proper steps u can still reverse it quite quickly before it sets .

nope... once the lump is there you can't reverse it, you can put it into a dormant state with use of nolvadex... during future cycles ai's such as arimidex or aromasin will be needed to keep it from worsening

for me, dbol get mine flared up in a hurry so I've stayed away from it for a few years now... I plan to have the glands removed next year so I won't ever have to worry about it ;)
nope... once the lump is there you can't reverse it, you can put it into a dormant state with use of nolvadex... during future cycles ai's such as arimidex or aromasin will be needed to keep it from worsening

for me, dbol get mine flared up in a hurry so I've stayed away from it for a few years now... I plan to have the glands removed next year so I won't ever have to worry about it ;)

Thanks for the info everyone.

China Wall, I've actually have had my lump shrink after every cycle. The weird thing is some cycles I get it and some I don't but it always goes away. This is the first time I've had it not show up during cycle but show up 2 months after my last injection and full pct.

5 days into nolva (liguid tamoxifen) and the breast tissue lump under my nipple has reduced in size quite a bit

40mg per day
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So four weeks of nolva shrunk this marble size lump. Two weeks after being off the lump is back.....Ahhhh!

Any ideas?
It's has to be e2 levels. Nolva was assisting with the problem area of the breast tissue. I would say nolva and an ai like arimidex .5 mg ed along with nolva. Try this 4 weeks then taper the last week or week and a half from nolvadex 40 mg Ed down to like 30 for a couple days then 20 a couple days then 10 a couple days then a day off then one more dose at 10. For atomized same thing taper around end of third week start of 4th to .5 eod instead of ed then lower dosage from .5 eod down for the last week a couple days at at time so probably .4 then .3 then .25 don't go below that the last day. The taper at the end should help even levels out without much rebound which I think may have cause the lump to return.
It's has to be e2 levels. Nolva was assisting with the problem area of the breast tissue. I would say nolva and an ai like arimidex .5 mg ed along with nolva. Try this 4 weeks then taper the last week or week and a half from nolvadex 40 mg Ed down to like 30 for a couple days then 20 a couple days then 10 a couple days then a day off then one more dose at 10. For atomized same thing taper around end of third week start of 4th to .5 eod instead of ed then lower dosage from .5 eod down for the last week a couple days at at time so probably .4 then .3 then .25 don't go below that the last day. The taper at the end should help even levels out without much rebound which I think may have cause the lump to return.

Thanks Bigboss12! I didn't taper of with an AI like I should have last time. I will go again and this time I have Aromasin good to go.
have you had blood work done to determine your E2 and Total Test levels? If you've started an AI it will only really help at this point to determine if you're dosing your AI properly. But it would have been nice to know your levels prior to the AI. I was just curious.

AI combined with nolva is the course. I've had to run nolva for up to 3 months to get rid of gyno, tapering down to just 10mg for the last few weeks.
have you had blood work done to determine your E2 and Total Test levels? If you've started an AI it will only really help at this point to determine if you're dosing your AI properly. But it would have been nice to know your levels prior to the AI. I was just curious.

AI combined with nolva is the course. I've had to run nolva for up to 3 months to get rid of gyno, tapering down to just 10mg for the last few weeks.

So I increased my AI dose 50% and it did help. Not sure if it's under dosed compared to previous supplier or if I've just built up a resistance, if possible.

But, the biggest news is that all sensitivity and size has been completely eliminated by starting a 175mg/week of test prop.....even without the AI. My sex drive is back as well. At month 6 of being off gear I still had no drive and a huge lump.

I agree I need blood work but just was wondering if anyone can tell me if this means my natural test production is completely shot??? Any ways of getting it back to normal? Ive been cycling on and off for 4 years now with low doses of test and tren. Usual cycle is 175mg/wk each for anywhere from 6 weeks and I've done 12 weeks at the longest. Time off = time on with pct as well. I'm 41 years old.
You are, and have in the past, running 175 mg of test prop per WEEK!?

You should be running close to that dosage eod, not a week.. If you have been running that low of doses for your cycles for 4 years,, you've prob made hardly any gains (you may have went backwards) and you've shut yourself completely down.
You are, and have in the past, running 175 mg of test prop per WEEK!?

You should be running close to that dosage eod, not a week.. If you have been running that low of doses for your cycles for 4 years,, you've prob made hardly any gains (you may have went backwards) and you've shut yourself completely down.

Yeah, 50mg eod. I've actually exceeded expectations and goals and use that dose to maintain. I still respond to that dose doing 2 cycles per year pretty much. However, my goals aren't to get freakishly huge but I have hit a plateau for sure.
Yeah, 50mg eod. I've actually exceeded expectations and goals and use that dose to maintain. I still respond to that dose doing 2 cycles per year pretty much. However, my goals aren't to get freakishly huge but I have hit a plateau for sure.

Did you ever get bloodwork done while on cycle.. I'm curious how high your total test levels got while doing that dosage,, I'm guessing you replaced your natural levels and probably only achieved a total test of maybe 800 (which is not very high)..
You never ran an AI ?

Running 200 mg a week cruising my test levels are 900 or more.. But when I do a real cycle it's in the 5000 range. 900 is basically like being natural (sure you can make gains natural),, but 5000 is anabolic where you make the big gains