Post cycle therapy (pct) no energy


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pct no energy

finished my first cycle test e 500mg/week/ 16 weeks 2 and a half weeks ago, im into my 3rd day of post cycle therapy (pct) clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 , gained about 20 lbs , lost about 5 lbs so far, havent lost much but i feel much smaller, and i have no energy, i can barely get out of bed, and feel pretty shitty, still am training hard and my diet is good, my question is when will i get back to feeling normal?
Thats normal to feel like complete dick while on your post cycle therapy (pct), you could have just dosed your clomid at 50 instead of 100 to start too...

Also clomid and nolva effect each person differently, and each one has it's own side effects... So on top of your hormones trying to balance during your post cycle therapy (pct) and the fact theres estro rebound when your done your cycle and your test levels crashed, you're getting sides from your post cycle therapy (pct) too...

But when you are done a cycle and on post cycle therapy (pct) it's absolutely normal to feel that way sometimes, you'll bounce back from it soon just give it some time, I get the same way when I'm on my post cycle therapy (pct)...

I get fatigued as shit all day long and it takes me 45 mins to get my ass outta bed... Don't worry it's normal and after your post cycle therapy (pct) your body will meet homeostasis at some point and you'll feel completely normal again, as long as your didn't screw up your endocrine system and left your hormones unbalanced... Other than that you'll be okay give it some time...
Welcome to the life of low test. Don't worry you will get over it. Try to bring out the big guns in supplements like Gingseng and any strong pre-workout booster with caffeine and natural vasodilators and creatine.
finished my first cycle test e 500mg/week/ 16 weeks 2 and a half weeks ago, im into my 3rd day of post cycle therapy (pct) clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 , gained about 20 lbs , lost about 5 lbs so far, havent lost much but i feel much smaller, and i have no energy, i can barely get out of bed, and feel pretty shitty, still am training hard and my diet is good, my question is when will i get back to feeling normal?

funny you saying this but the guys above are right ..i just dune a 16 weeker and the last 2 weeks on Nolva have bin like down big time no energy also lol an fallin asleep all the time...

im just statin to feel a bit better after two weeks of the post cycle therapy (pct) ill hit the clomid for two weeks to get the balls goin again..

Have Hun
get some vitamin c at 500 Mg 2 times a day
1 tap after you weak up and 1 tap before workout
throw some ZMA to that post cycle therapy (pct) and you will feel better also some l-arginin before bed will help you .... you need some caffeine as they said so get animal rag or pump or some NO-explod ..... Creatine will help you to save as much as u can from these gains as a recovery supplement ... cell-tech or cellmass will do the job .... and you should eat some carbo at 20-30 Gr ED before workout .... and make it 3 Gr of protin per lbs of total wight of your body that maybe to much "yup i know " but to lose protin much better that losing muscles ;)
that's my way to save gains i had from a cycle so my first cycle was like yours and i gained 29 lbs and i lost 4 lbs .... it was 750 MG test e for 12 weeks and every day i took 20 mg of nolvadix
Some may disagree on the proviron...but i felt that 1000mg of Vitamin C 3 times a day(supposed to help with cortisol) and 25mg of proviron a day for 2 weeks, tapered down to 12.5 a day for the last two weeks in addition to clomid and nolva, helped me bigtime.

I also think a very clean diet helped keep energy up as well and I'm 36. Coming up on 3 months off cycle and about to get blood tests to see when I'm ready to go again.
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