Post cycle therapy (pct) planning, want to make a full recovery and stay off for a while


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PCT planning, want to make a full recovery and stay off for a while

Hi all.

I've posted here before but not for a long time. I'd really appreciate any help I can get, and any negative comments are welcome I expect them to a certain degree.

For the last few years I've been cycling, doing a pct and having some time off but then as soon as my libido has come back (maybe 3 months after PCT at most) I've jumped back on for another 12/16/20 weeks. I always tell myself that I'm fully recovered before jumping back on but in reality I doubt that I have been and I've never had bloodwork to confirm it.

Now I haven't always been overly bothered about full recovery, more just about keeping my gains but my life has changed a lot lately and I'm starting to see what really matters, I have a great gf who severely dislikes my steroid use but says she will stick by me as long as it doesn't stop us from having kids. I'm at a point now where I realise I do want kids and don't want to keep reducing the chances of me having them by being up and down on gear constantly, not to mention that my lack of libido coming off cycles tears my relationship apart for a few months at a time, I can't keep putting my gf through that anymore.

My plan is to get off this time and stay off for a bit, or if I do cycle again next year to be fully recovered first with bloodwork done, keep it short and simple 8-10 weeks, something easy to recover from and perfectly planned, not just jumping on and taking a bit of this and a bit of that. Just to add I do plan to be a life time user, I just think that for my next few years there are more important things to be doing, when I'm older I'll probably end up blasting and cruising but thats a lifetime away yet.

I'm 25 years old. 210lbs at 5'6 not sure on bodyfat but its not too bad.

Currently I've been on Test E 300mg a week and Tren E 600mg a week for the last 12 weeks, I did have a 16 weeker planned but I've decided that the earlier I get off the earlier I can start recovering and start planning other aspects of my life.

I have a basic PCT plan in mind but I'd like to hear how you more experienced folk would do it. I would rate my recovery ability as poor compared to what I've read about other people recovering quickly, I still dont feel right after several months and usually have just ended up jumping back on too soon.

I've stopped the tren early as of a few days ago but have plenty of it and test left and think I will continue the test for a couple more weeks to keep me going while the tren starts clearing unless anybody disagrees with this idea? Here is what I have to hand, how would you use it and can you think of anything else that I need?

90 x 20mg Nolva

68 x 50mg Clomid

7 x 5000iu HCG

4 x 2000iu HCG

Liquid Prami

Liquid Letro

28 x 1mg Anastrozle

I've not used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to any great extent before and have not used it during this cycle so I have no idea what dosage I respond well to. Also I have recently had a change in living conditions (had to move to a shared property) which will prevent me from storing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the fridge so I'll just have to mix a whole vial, use what I need and then discard the remainder unfortunately (unless it can keep for a couple of days at room temp, in that case I could use more but from what I've read it cannot).

Thank you to anyone who advises me, I know I'm asking a lot but I'd just like to see what people with more knowledge than me would do in my situation. Any advice or critisism regarding my PCT or cycles or life in general will be accepted gratefully.