Post cycle therapy (pct) - "real" Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or hcgenerate.


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PCT - "real" HCG or hcgenerate.

Looking to put together my PCT. My GF has a left over full bottle of real HCG. my question is can i substitute instead of running HCgenerate?
55 reads now.. is it to much to ask for on this board. Doesn't seem like this forum or board is very helpful..

thanks alot guys..
Looking to put together my post cycle therapy (pct). My GF has a left over full bottle of real HCG. my question is can i substitute instead of running HCgenerate?

Run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) until your out then run the HCGenerate
If you dont have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), DONT USE Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) FOR PCT, it aromatizes at high rate.
I've been using hcgenerate for the first time in my pct, man this is the best t boster I've ever used. good stuff for sure.
dude..real Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is way better than HCGenerate, IF you use it right.
HCgerenate is a OTC wanna be of real HCG. thats why they ripped off its name.
You cant start it FOR pct like normal - you gotta use it to jump start your balls a couple weeks before your PCT starts.

chances are, no one in this PH forum here uses it(which would explain the lack of responces).
You need to go to the the other forum, Anabolic Steroid Forum - Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding Discussion Forums - Steroidology
and ask the guys there they can tell you how to dose real Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the correct way
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real hcg will be 250-300iu's every other day. some prefer using it the entire cycle, others prefer to use it post cycle. you'd have to try both if you wonder which one you like best.

no natural product is going to compare to a pharmacuetical drug. this is obvious.

but hcgenerate is the best otc natural test booster available right now.