Post cycle therapy (pct) start time for EQ? Any advice?

2 weeks after last pin, EQ has an active life of 14-16 days

My plan is to use nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and clomid at 50 for 3 weeks(50/50/50)

Also, due to the undecylenate ester, wouldn't I need to wait a bit longer than 2 weeks after the last pin?

I listened to your previous advice regarding EQ and have since decided that I will most likely hold off on the methandrostenolone. Simply because fast ego water gains don't impress me much, I would rather train hard and earn realistic maintainable gains. Especially considering that this time around, I plan to tighten up my diet substantially and adhere to a lesser carb driven macro breakup. On my first round with test e I simply ate everything in sight.

I know this might sound stupid, but is it better to pin both solutions at once with a total amount of 2ml(550 total of AAS solution) or is it acceptable to pin the test at 1ml(300mg) and another day pin the EQ at 1ml(250mg). Something about 2ml in one pin just weirds me out, seems like an awful lot of oil at once.

Sick avatar.
2ml is not all that much if your pinning glutes and quads or ventroglutes and I usually do 3ml in those sites, I pin 2ml in my delts with no issues as well. Mixing 2 compounds in one shot is no big deal and minimizes the amount of times you have to inject. I wouldnt do it any other way. If your worried about the ester and not being clear in 2 weeks even though it has a half life of 14-16 days just run the test a week longer than the eq and PCT 2 weeks after the last test shot.
2ml is not all that much if your pinning glutes and quads or ventroglutes and I usually do 3ml in those sites, I pin 2ml in my delts with no issues as well. Mixing 2 compounds in one shot is no big deal and minimizes the amount of times you have to inject. I wouldnt do it any other way. If your worried about the ester and not being clear in 2 weeks even though it has a half life of 14-16 days just run the test a week longer than the eq and PCT 2 weeks after the last test shot.

Thanks again man.
Thanks again man.

My first injection was 10/19 test e only to simply get a feel for what a quad injection is like. Went very smoothly, PIP wasn't really an issue at all. My second injection (10/22) kicks off my cycle with test e and EQ. Thats 2ml worth of solution in the quad. Later in the day my knee is swollen, tight and feels similar to a trauma injury. Not sure if the injection was poorly done (I thought it went well) or if I am simply not used to 2ml injections. I have heard this is common, however any advice is appreciated.
Just as a recap for anyone interested,
So, things have been going smoothly so far. I cannot use 2ml pins, that amount of oil simply does not sit well with me and causes more pain than its worth. So, I do 4 shots weekly. monday/tuesday and friday/saturday (test e 300mg/EQ 250mg per pin with a total of 600mg Test/500mg EQ). I will start the Arimidex today at the very low end, as I am approaching the 4th week and I haven't noticed anything crazy.