Post cycle therapy (pct) with PH


New member
PCT with PH

Hey guys, this is my first post, I've done so much lurking of steroidology i figured I might as well create and account and make sure i've got my PH cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) in line. Is a full post cycle therapy (pct) + Aromatase inhibitor (AI) needed for an 8 week cycle of AndroMass V3? I was thinking Nolva 40/40/20/20, and Clomid 50/50/50/50 and then an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for the 4 weeks but is all of that necessary? Just wanted to make sure before I buy the stuff for post cycle therapy (pct). I have no started this cycle of AndroMass yet but plan on it in 7 weeks, Any Input will be helpful! And yes I know some might bash me for doing PH's and not the real deal but the legality of it is what I was after when I made the decision.
You are going above and beyond imo.
I always use Nolva for 30 days and creating and maybe a test booster. That's just me though. good luck.
nolva + low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will be all the post cycle therapy (pct) you need for andromassV3. some DAA would be helpful also tho....
I ran the beta tester program and all testers on MASS that ran it over 8 weeks used the following ONLY --

TCF-1 (d aspartic acid) twice daily 3-4g

Sustain Alpha Twice daily (78 benzo/tranres)

T Minerals -once daily (boron based mineral complex)

fatty acid butter -- twice a day (shark liver oil, krill , PS etc)

Both 8 week cyclers regained pre-cycle values -- either close to it or OVER pre cycle ranges.

I think the Clomid/Nolva/AI is a bit much for AndroMass. I would consider our testosterone recovery stack with a SERM of choice if you choose to use a SERM.
4 weeks tops! Especially for that kind of cycle. No need for 8 weeks bro. I would say 4 weeks of clomid(or nolva), DAA, and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you'll be good to go ;)
If you can get clomid then the 50/50/50/50 plus a OTC test booster like BPS Endosurge or Pes Erase will take care of ya. Nolva lowers IGF so i stay away from that as much as i can.