Post cycle therapy what do you think


New member
Hello been roaming around forums for a while now and have a few questions of my own about pct

It's my first cycle and I'm running 300mg test c and 150mg tren e every 7 days am 3 weeks into 12 week cycle haven't felt anything as of yet.

So my question is about pct only looking around forums is the first time I've heard about pct, and I was wondering what you guys think I should run when and how long to run it for I've read nolvex isn't very good to run with tren don't no how true this is , so I was thinking of something like clomid

But about myself

Hieght: 6ft
Weight: 90kg
Been lifting about 14 months 5 days a week eating pretty clean

Thanks in advance
Your cycle sucks. I'll help you out now, but next time do yourself a favour and learn as much as you can before jumping in :) that way you can maximize your results without compromising your health.

PCT should always be:
*40mg Nolva daily for the first week, then 20mg daily for three more week. Total = 4 weeks
*100mg Clomid daily for first week, then 50mg daily for three more weeks. Total 4 = weeks.

Hopefully you're doing post cycle bloods too, in which case draw blood 6 weeks after last dose of PCT.

Not using nolva with tren is a myth and complete bullshit bro. You should really take a look at your cycle too man... and have a good think about the permanent damage which will occur by suppressing the HPTA at your age.
Thanks bro and how come my cycle sucks ? Was told to actually be running even less but after reading a bit about them I upped it a small bit
Thanks bro and how come my cycle sucks ? Was told to actually be running even less but after reading a bit about them I upped it a small bit

Main red flags for me:

*You're 22. I won't beat a dead horse, but you should know what damage your doing to your brain and HPTA.
*Tren on I presume(/hope?) is your first cycle...
*Injecting too infrequently - with those esters your androgens (and via the by-product, your estrogens as well) will be on a rollercoaster.. spiking and plummeting through the week.
*Tren dose way too low
*Test dose way too low
*Enanthate for first tren run... should most definitely have been ace
*No mention of hCG
*No mention of an AI????
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Can I not alter my cycle now or is it to late to do so ? How frequent should I be taking it and how much should I be taking one would think that a lower dose less frequent would do less harm for my body ?
For saying that you have been roaming the forums for awhile this is a horrible cycle not to mention for a first one. Stop pinning the tren immediately! Go read the ology faq's thread. You may want to consider just stopping everything and get prepped for your pct. You really aren't doing anything right at all. Your weight is even pretty low for your height. You gotta get the diet in check or you won't get any gains. You really aren't ready for a cycle. You need educated on diet and a proper first cycle. Please don't screw yourself over...
Can I not alter my cycle now or is it to late to do so ? How frequent should I be taking it and how much should I be taking one would think that a lower dose less frequent would do less harm for my body ?

I would advise you to abort the cycle until you're both older and actually know what you're doing. On the otherhand, I know this isn't a perfect world and you probably won't do that.. so I'll help you with this one, but you got some serious homework to do man. Not a good idea to inject hormones without knowing how they work or what they're doing inside your body...

Longer esters like enanthate and cypionate need to be injected twice per week to maintain mostly stable levels. Monday morning and thursday night for example = 3.5days. Twice per week.

I would get you to drop the tren completely and save any leftovers for a future cycle. Increase the test dose to 500mg/week (250mg monday, 250mg thursday etc.)
Get an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) on board.. examples: arimadex 0.25mg twice per week, or Aromasin 12.5mg every day.
hCG would fantastic if you can add it in, it keeps the testes running despite the brain signalling shutting off.

500mg test is a great first cycle. 300mg is quite low, more like a high TRT dose than a cycle imo. 150mg tren was just way too low as well, I'd go 300 minimum. Also, first timers with tren should always go acetate ester as it clears much faster... tren is a strange beast, it can really fuck some people around... you want to have th ability to drop it and have it gone in 2-3days if you can't handle it. With enanthate you've still got 2-3weeks of sides once you find out it's not for you/too much.

An AI on board will keep circulating estradiol (e2 = the most important estrogen) from getting too high. This will reduce most of the sides of test use. Not only will it keep you healthier but you won't have to worry about growing breast tissue (gynocomastia.)

hCG helps to minimize the damage done to the HPTA... definitely add it in if you can. It will prevent testicular atrophy (the testicles shrinking) and make a much easier recovery.

Hope this helps give you an idea of how little you know... and prompts you to correct that.

All the best buddy,

Prince :)
Thanks prince quick question would I not of got the sides of the tren by now ? And if I was to go get some more test c (test tren is already mixed) how long would I carry that cycle on for and when would I be taking my next pin? Last was Friday so I be quessing Tuesday ? And would it just be OK to just drop the tren ?

Not even sure I could get hold of AI or hcg

Thanks for the reply
Thanks prince quick question would I not of got the sides of the tren by now ? And if I was to go get some more test c (test tren is already mixed) how long would I carry that cycle on for and when would I be taking my next pin? Last was Friday so I be quessing Tuesday ? And would it just be OK to just drop the tren ?

Not even sure I could get hold of AI or hcg

Thanks for the reply

Honestly if you can't get ahold of an AI I would highly recommend aborting the cycle. Plan another as soon as recoveries over and plan it properly.

You can risk running it without an AI, but as your estradiol hits the roof you're going to get a lot of sides - moodiness/bitchiness & mood swings/crying/angry if your lucky. If you're NOT lucky, then prostate issues, gynocomastia (google this - your body may literally try to grow boobs,) harder suppression, high blood pressure, acne, oily skin etc.etc.
In fact, most of the sides uneducated people will tell you about all come from elevated estradiol. Controlling it with an AI is the only and best way to cycle test. You want high test levels and normal estro, not high levels of both.

Go to RUI products - their banner is at the top of this website. They sell AI's and are definitely good to go on quality. Never had an issue with them.

In regards to your question about tren sides - no. Even if you were running a decent dose, the enanthate ester takes approx. 4 weeks to build up to saturation... take into account everyones different metabolisms/genetics, you're looking at somewhere between 4 - 6 weeks before you start feeling the tren. Then the next week or so after that the sides will become really grinding. Insomnia obviously gets worse as it goes on... one of trens main bad sides. Not to mention many others.

Even so though, you're probably not running high enough to get many sides - this is a good thing for now. Also, tren is really really strongly suppressive - it makes recovery really hard. Hopefully with the little dose you were running and such a small duration it won't effect you much. We can hope anyways.

IF you're carrying on - just do your next test pin on monday (250mg,) then carry on every monday and thursday. Since you're increasing the dose now anyway it doesn't matter that you're bringing the pin a day forward - levels will be steadily on the rise regardless.

Yes it's okay to just stop taking the tren.

Let me know if you need anything else bud..