Post PCT


New member
Alright i got 13 days left of PCT and ive got my Helladrol cycle all ready. What i want to know is i heard you have to take time off (Cycle+PCT= 2months) But i want to start my Helladrol cycle so im going to wait only about 5-6 weeks will that be enough time?
you definitely need to respect that rule or your going to do damage to yourself... be smart about it... if your worried about losing gains, run a sarms bridge for your next cycle...
What's a sarms bridge?

using osta or s4 to bridge in between 2 cycles...


12wks tes e
4 wk pct
16wks total

than 8 wks of osta
than 4wks S4

start new cycle in 2 more wks, which will give you 14wks off.

the sarms are pretty dam anabolic and work way better than i ever thought they could....

I prefer SS for them