power foods?


New member
ok, got a wierd question, and probably one i should know the answer too. but when i eat oatmeal, i always feel pumped and muscles feel fuller. and my energy levels really go up too. unlike when i eat sweet potatos or whole wheat bread..both of those do good for me, but oatmeal really makes me feel like my musclers are fuller and more pumped. and it also seems to really help with recovery for me...so i was wondering is this normal for oatmeal, and if not do you find that you have a cretain carb food that does similar for you?
adidamps2 said:
when i eat oatmeal, i always feel pumped and muscles seems to really help with recovery for me... QUOTE]
The coincidence of contradiction...Oatmeal really helps with your recovery,what a concept!
PARKER27 said:
adidamps2 said:
when i eat oatmeal, i always feel pumped and muscles seems to really help with recovery for me... QUOTE]
The coincidence of contradiction...Oatmeal really helps with your recovery,what a concept!
wtf are you talking about...whats contridicting about my statement? and i know oatmeal helps with recovery..but it really seems to do more for me than other carb sources stop being a poor sport cuase you didnt like what i had to say about your post in another thread...if you have nothing of value to add don't bother posting.
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adidamps2 said:
wtf are you talking about...whats contridicting about my statement? and i know oatmeal helps with recovery..but it really seems to do more for me than other carb sources stop being a poor sport cuase you didnt like what i had to say about your post in another thread...if you have nothing of value to add don't bother posting.
Poor sport,hardly. You just happend to reference oatmeal as a great pre-workout carb in another thread....I'm just trying to figure it out.Believe me I'm the last person to try and win a internet argument.
PARKER27 said:
Poor sport,hardly. You just happend to reference oatmeal as a great pre-workout carb in another thread....I'm just trying to figure it out.Believe me I'm the last person to try and win a internet argument.
ok? it is a great pre-work out carb. and recovery lasts from the end of one work to the begining of the next work out..so if i eat oatmeal for breakfast the moring after my last work out..its obviusely (sp) being used for recovery at this point. recovery does not just happen post work out.
Beast_19_301 said:
what do u put in the oatmeal, or do u just eat it plan. How much do u eat at one time? ie) 2 cups uncooked
hhhmmmm lets see on work out days i eat
1 cup quacker quick oats
1tbls lectithin
1tbls brewers yeast
1tbls PB
1tbls honey
2tbls wheat germ
2 packets of splenda
1tbls cinnamin
1 cup FF milk

i mix all that in a big bowl, nuke for 95 sec and eat it one hr out from a work out..

on non-work out days i eat
3/4 cups oats
1tbls lectithin
1tbls brewers yeast
2tbls wheat germ
2 packets of splenda
1tbls cinnamin
and 1 cup water
adidamps2 said:
ok? it is a great pre-work out carb. and recovery lasts from the end of one work to the begining of the next work out..so if i eat oatmeal for breakfast the moring after my last work out..its obviusely (sp) being used for recovery at this point. recovery does not just happen post work out.
Thanks for that...I wouldn't know what to do without you..lol. I'm just busting your balls...I'm easily entertained. The fact is,What I post is what I think,what you post is what you think,That's why we probably look different from eachother. This game is nothing but trial&error...if you know what I mean.