Power-lifting to Bodybuilding a Transformation

slayer of souls

New member
Just an introduction, I have been following a strength routine for the past few years. It was a mixture of west side, dc, 5x5 and so on. I feel that strength training gave me a solid base and strength to build on.

My goal right now is to focus on developing some lagging muscle parts and go for more lean quality muscle mass. My concern wont be strength but muscularity. After a shoulder injury, my body wont take another pounding of heavy lifting.

Obviously I will still focus on progressive overload, however I wont neglect the accessories muscle group which i find to be often the case in strength training.

I plan to start a EQ/TEst cycle in a few weeks.
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Nice work slayer!
Those look like good deep squats. Keep us up to date, I'll be watching for sure.
IVe always have had a bit of puffy nipples since puberty. I always thought it was just a bit of excess fat. It hasnt gotten worse since deca, but always stayed the same.

Any thing I can do to reduce it?
IVe always have had a bit of puffy nipples since puberty. I always thought it was just a bit of excess fat. It hasnt gotten worse since deca, but always stayed the same.

Any thing I can do to reduce it?

Looking swole Bro!

I've always had the same puffy nips issue but not exactly sure about how to combat it. I definitely use an AI-Arimidex- but anything that helps reduce water retention helps my nips.

Just curious, what type of workout are you using now or plan on using?
Looking swole Bro!

I've always had the same puffy nips issue but not exactly sure about how to combat it. I definitely use an AI-Arimidex- but anything that helps reduce water retention helps my nips.

Just curious, what type of workout are you using now or plan on using?

I was running DC training, but now I am going to switch to DFHT. Which is a blend. I plan to keep weights low, and volume slightly higher. Dont want to risk injury. Taking a break from powerlifing, except for squats and dead lifts.