yes thats me
well here goes my 1-T Tren log. I was lucky enough to get one of the gratis bottles from Eric (thanks again man!) and will be logging my results. I am considering throwing in some old SD i have laying around for the last 2-3 weeks, as i dont know what else i am ever going to do with it and it is probably losing potency by the month.
So here is where i am at: 33, 6'1, 211 pounds bawling, probably 10% bf. I had surgery in january for an inguinal hernia and have lost about 20 pounds since then. i have only been back in the gym for about a month really, but im back doing freeweights and most of my normal routines, however my ability to squat and deadlift are still limited. i compensate for this as best i can but it definately affects my leg progress. i have to be careful with anything that creates a lot of intra abdominal pressure. I have been down this road before though (herniated the other side a few years ago), so i know pretty much what to expect. I have lost a lot of strength, and some size. So it should be noted it may be easier for me to gain weight back as i am sort of 'deflated' for lack of a better word, and I know my body well. i have been serious about lifting weights since i was 23.
Cycle History: a few PH cycles in my late 20's and two injectable cycles in my early thirties.
Body type: I am an extreme ectomorph, even at my age. i still burn calories like nothing and cant really get fat if i wanted to. so this is my greatest strength but also my greatest weakness, as you can see by how much weight i have lost in just 3 months of not lifting or eating sufficient calories. the name of the game for me is massive caloric intake. i can get away with eating more carbs and fats than meso's or endo's, but i cant get away with missing meals etc.
ok i think that sets up the history so here we go with the log.
today i did legs and biceps, went something like
Leg ext (to warm up)
Leg Press
ATG Squats
One arm Preacher curls
Barbell Curls
i try and pre exhaust the quads so i can get more out of doing my light weight squats. Curls i throw in here because i have never been a fan of doing them, but the rest of my development has sort of outpaced them by now so i do it for symmetry. im still trying to not go crazy in the gym.
Showered after the workout and applied 4 pumps of the 1-T Tren. will be doing 5 pumps a day for the rest of the log.
im not gyno prone as far as i can tell, my only concern with this product really is possibly exacerbating my insomnia which i have had my whole life. not sure about hair loss but i have a balding spot already so i will just watch it to see what happens.
So here is where i am at: 33, 6'1, 211 pounds bawling, probably 10% bf. I had surgery in january for an inguinal hernia and have lost about 20 pounds since then. i have only been back in the gym for about a month really, but im back doing freeweights and most of my normal routines, however my ability to squat and deadlift are still limited. i compensate for this as best i can but it definately affects my leg progress. i have to be careful with anything that creates a lot of intra abdominal pressure. I have been down this road before though (herniated the other side a few years ago), so i know pretty much what to expect. I have lost a lot of strength, and some size. So it should be noted it may be easier for me to gain weight back as i am sort of 'deflated' for lack of a better word, and I know my body well. i have been serious about lifting weights since i was 23.
Cycle History: a few PH cycles in my late 20's and two injectable cycles in my early thirties.
Body type: I am an extreme ectomorph, even at my age. i still burn calories like nothing and cant really get fat if i wanted to. so this is my greatest strength but also my greatest weakness, as you can see by how much weight i have lost in just 3 months of not lifting or eating sufficient calories. the name of the game for me is massive caloric intake. i can get away with eating more carbs and fats than meso's or endo's, but i cant get away with missing meals etc.
ok i think that sets up the history so here we go with the log.
today i did legs and biceps, went something like
Leg ext (to warm up)
Leg Press
ATG Squats
One arm Preacher curls
Barbell Curls
i try and pre exhaust the quads so i can get more out of doing my light weight squats. Curls i throw in here because i have never been a fan of doing them, but the rest of my development has sort of outpaced them by now so i do it for symmetry. im still trying to not go crazy in the gym.
Showered after the workout and applied 4 pumps of the 1-T Tren. will be doing 5 pumps a day for the rest of the log.
im not gyno prone as far as i can tell, my only concern with this product really is possibly exacerbating my insomnia which i have had my whole life. not sure about hair loss but i have a balding spot already so i will just watch it to see what happens.