PP 1-T Tren Log


yes thats me
well here goes my 1-T Tren log. I was lucky enough to get one of the gratis bottles from Eric (thanks again man!) and will be logging my results. I am considering throwing in some old SD i have laying around for the last 2-3 weeks, as i dont know what else i am ever going to do with it and it is probably losing potency by the month.

So here is where i am at: 33, 6'1, 211 pounds :)bawling:), probably 10% bf. I had surgery in january for an inguinal hernia and have lost about 20 pounds since then. i have only been back in the gym for about a month really, but im back doing freeweights and most of my normal routines, however my ability to squat and deadlift are still limited. i compensate for this as best i can but it definately affects my leg progress. i have to be careful with anything that creates a lot of intra abdominal pressure. I have been down this road before though (herniated the other side a few years ago), so i know pretty much what to expect. I have lost a lot of strength, and some size. So it should be noted it may be easier for me to gain weight back as i am sort of 'deflated' for lack of a better word, and I know my body well. i have been serious about lifting weights since i was 23.

Cycle History: a few PH cycles in my late 20's and two injectable cycles in my early thirties.

Body type: I am an extreme ectomorph, even at my age. i still burn calories like nothing and cant really get fat if i wanted to. so this is my greatest strength but also my greatest weakness, as you can see by how much weight i have lost in just 3 months of not lifting or eating sufficient calories. the name of the game for me is massive caloric intake. i can get away with eating more carbs and fats than meso's or endo's, but i cant get away with missing meals etc.

ok i think that sets up the history so here we go with the log.

today i did legs and biceps, went something like

Leg ext (to warm up)
Leg Press
ATG Squats
One arm Preacher curls
Barbell Curls

i try and pre exhaust the quads so i can get more out of doing my light weight squats. Curls i throw in here because i have never been a fan of doing them, but the rest of my development has sort of outpaced them by now so i do it for symmetry. im still trying to not go crazy in the gym.

Showered after the workout and applied 4 pumps of the 1-T Tren. will be doing 5 pumps a day for the rest of the log.

im not gyno prone as far as i can tell, my only concern with this product really is possibly exacerbating my insomnia which i have had my whole life. not sure about hair loss but i have a balding spot already so i will just watch it to see what happens.
I am prone to gyno and hairloss. I have some gyno and it seems to be better right now, but I am also running Epistane. It hasn't affected my hair, but that would take a while to be seen. I did have 2-3 nights around days 4-5-6 that I barely slept. It has gotten much better since. It is a good product and will help you get back up to speed, then you can look forward to running a real cycle once your lifts are back to 100%. Good luck.
day 2: 4 pumps 1-T Tren. no noticeable changes (from what i have read i should start to notice something about 7 days in).

push day

flat barbell press
low incline DB press
machine fly
machine shoulder press
DB lateral raise

I guess i better post a before picture even if i feel like a stick figure these days, since im sitting here with no shirt on letting my tren soak in i will just take the standard torso shot.
day 3: 4 pumps 1-t tren. im going to stick with 4 pumps until when/if i add in the sd.

pull day
HS horizontal rows
Wide grip pullups
HS low row
One arm DB row
Cable rear delt pull
a few sets of some bicep crap

havent noticed anything yet really. i will try and take a new pic most days even if nothing has really changed.
day 3: 4 pumps 1-t tren. im going to stick with 4 pumps until when/if i add in the sd.

pull day
HS horizontal rows
Wide grip pullups
HS low row
One arm DB row
Cable rear delt pull
a few sets of some bicep crap

havent noticed anything yet really. i will try and take a new pic most days even if nothing has really changed.

Sounds good.

day 4&5: same dosage, tommorow im going to go up to 5 pumps. took the weekend off from the gym. my appetite seems to be increasing, i think it may be from the tren. this is a good thing for me since i always have a hard time packing in the calories. also i seem to be up 2 or 3 pounds already from when i started, but i have been able to eat more since like day 2. had bad insomnia last night but that is also normal for me.
day 6: 5 pumps 1-t tren. i had some serious trouble sleeping last night, i think the tren may have contributed to it. still went to the gym today and did legs, by the time i was done i actually felt pretty good.

legs day
quad extensions
leg presses
squats light
standing hamstring curls
barbell walking lunges

will weigh in again tomorow and take a new picture. i have notice some red streaking after i apply my tren, but it seems to go away after an hour or so.
day 7: 5 pumps 1-t Tren/10mg SD.

chest/tricep workout
barbell flat press
low incline DB press
incline DB fly
DB skullcrusher
seated overhead barbell extension

well im about through with the first week on the 1-t tren.
so far the Pros: today i definately noticed an increase in strength. my weight is up about 4-5 pounds since i started the cycle.
the Cons: mainly just the sleep issue, i think the tren is making it harder for me to sleep. i did notice some red splotchy areas for a few hours after applying the tren but they went away. the inside of my elbow joints seemed to stay reddish though, so now i just dont let it get on that part of my arm.
overall i am pretty happy with this product, i started a low dose of SD today and will continue with it for the remainder of the cycle.
Great log DC!! Thanks for being so detailed and including pic's. Much appreciated and enjoy following along.
btw, you don't look deflated to me, at all!!
thanks for the comments jayc! i am my own worst critic but if i ever get reinflated you will probably see what i mean :evil:
day 9(?): 5 pumps 1-t tren/10mg sd

back day
HS low row
T bar row chest supported
Wide grip pullup
Laying DB row (performed face down on an incline bench)
Cable rear delt pulls
few sets for biceps

well everything is still going good, im up about 6-7 pounds from my starting weight. workouts feel great and i get pretty pumped rather quickly when i start lifting.
Great log. You've got quite a bit of lean muscle, should be jacked once you recoup to 100%. Did they put the mesh stuff in your abdomen to avoid future issues?
yea they did. i have had both sides done now, both have mylar or whatever mesh inside and it is supposed to be good for the rest of my life. i also had an umbilical hernia repaired at the same time as the first inguinal. my surgeon who was this bad ass asian lady told me she thinks they were congenital and not related to my lifting.
I don't know if its the angle of your of camera of your picture. What do your shoulders look like at a regular profile shot?
alright broskis, im gonna go ahead and say this is some awesome shit. and im only on day 10? i did shoulders today, which i dont normally do on their own day (i never do 'arm' days either) because i was doing a more bodybuilder type split this week. reason for that is i wanted to do something different than my norm, and i still cant go balls to the walls like normal so i figured why not. i wasnt even pushing to the max in the gym, using mostly machines and cables and shit. by the end of the workout i was pretty dam swollen.

day 10: 5 pumps 1-t tren/10mg sd
calf superset fun
machine plate loaded overhead press
seated db lateral raise
machine military press
machine lateral raise
tricep press downs
rotator cuff exercise

if things continue to go as they have i will be very happy. normally i like to run minimums of hormones but i actually now wish i had another bottle of the stuff so i could run it for 6 weeks at 6 pumps a day and see how that affects me.
Day 13? i think. did some legs yesterday, today was chest day. all i can say is holy fuck. i was so massively pumped at the end of the workout today i had to stop myself from mad dogging people back because half the gym kept staring at me. here are some pics, wish i could have taken them an hour earlier.
day 15: 5 pumps 1-t tren/10mg sd. i have changed when i apply my tren to first thing in the morning after a shower. i am usually at the gym 2-2.5 hours after that so i figure that is a good amount of time to let it absorb and i dont sweat like crazy on my arms or chest when i lift so i hope it will still do what it need to do.

back day: working sets
HS low row x2
T bar row chest supported row x2
wide grip pullups x3
HS high row closer grip x2
Rear delt cable pulls x3
few bicep curl sets

another great workout, same intensity as the last one i was raving about. plenty of energy and strength in the gym, i have to stop myself from going on too long or adding too much more weight as i know the consequences of a tendon strain and dont want to get one right now, even though i feel like i can push it harder. my arms feel like they are going to pop when im finished. will weigh in tomorrow.
day 15: 5 pumps 1-t tren/10mg sd. i have changed when i apply my tren to first thing in the morning after a shower. i am usually at the gym 2-2.5 hours after that so i figure that is a good amount of time to let it absorb and i dont sweat like crazy on my arms or chest when i lift so i hope it will still do what it need to do.

back day: working sets
HS low row x2
T bar row chest supported row x2
wide grip pullups x3
HS high row closer grip x2
Rear delt cable pulls x3
few bicep curl sets

another great workout, same intensity as the last one i was raving about. plenty of energy and strength in the gym, i have to stop myself from going on too long or adding too much more weight as i know the consequences of a tendon strain and dont want to get one right now, even though i feel like i can push it harder. my arms feel like they are going to pop when im finished. will weigh in tomorrow.

Soundin good. Thanks for the updates.
no problemo Eric
day 17: 5 pumps/10mg sd

shoulders day:
bunch of shoulder crap

another day another rep. great workout today, good strength and massive pumps, but i think i need to take a few days off. ive been going at it a bit harder than i normally do with this split and was pretty worked at the end of todays workout, so i think i will take the next 2 days off and try and stay out of the gym. maybe do a bike ride or two. today i weighed in at 220. pretty awesome, im about 15 pounds away from the most ive ever weighed. i only have about 6 or 7 days left of my 1-t so i would be surprised if i gained much more weight, but we will see. i can see how a 6 week run of this stuff is probably optimal as opposed to my 3.5 week cycle.