Pramipexole and Letro to reverse glandular puffy nipples that i have had for 9 years?


New member
hi everyone im new to this forum and thanks to everyone in advance who replys and helps me out. basically i have had glands the size of pinpong balls behind my nipples for 8 or 9 years and nipples that could poke an eye out.... I have literly had it up to here now and have been thinking alot about surgery lately but it cost far too much and once again money is in the way of my happiness. it gets me so down trying to hide it from girls in bed and i dont think i have every taken my top off in a public place since i was a young kid im now 22.

Anyway my question is will Pramipexole and Letro rid of my gyno even though i have had it for so long are there any cases of this actually working 0on someone in my situation, i have never used steroids so it has definately happened naturally. im low bf around 12% 5ft 11 and 160pounds.

Thank you
in some cases people find that with letro they claim they have slighly lowered it , but letro can be very harsh and make u feel like crap . i dont realy think u can reverse gyno once u have had it for so long , sorry man , u can always give it a try tho , may suck
Thanks for the quick reply, i have heard it is like a 50 50 but even if it reduces it by half i will be happy just don't want to throw away money if i am going to have to save up anyway for surgery which is 3-4 thousand !!! was just wondering if it has indeed helped with cases such as mine not realted to steroid use :(
i dont know man , ive heard a couple people say that it has shrunk a bit , then other say it shrunk and came back after time , but realy the only solution for gyno is surgery as of whats known right now . its not to say its not worth a try however , but blasting all yuor estrogen in your system is what u are doing , and this is going to make u feel horrible and could have low e related sides . usualy works best in steroid realted conditions before the gyno becomes irriversible , but since u had it so long , its a long shot id say imo unfortunetly