Pre Contest Cycle, Test E


New member

This will be my first cycle of Test. I have ran helladrol previously.
Stats: 23 years old, 170cm @ 78 kg. Been training for 6-7 years. Bodyfat 10% ish.

My contest is in late september. Got 10-12 weeks to prepare. I could really need some help to set up a cycle!
I was thinking:
Test E 250mg x2 per week
aromasin EOD
Helladrol 1-4 or 1-6 kickstart
Clomid/nolva PCT

That is what i got.
Fist can you post a pic for us to see where you are at and right off the Test e is not the way to go with this timing schedule. You should use a short ester. SO lets gat the picture, or me please stick to lbs, easier for me, no thinking for the old man here HA lol
So where did you go OP. you didn't like my help, no comment.

Doubt this is real, so many posts as of late from first time posters that have no clue but pretend they do, and the one post is all you see from them.

And ya, that is not a pre contest ester in my books. 10-12 weeks? Is it 10 or is it 12? And at 23 you are still too young to juice, even if you had the knowledge.