This will be my first cycle of Test. I have ran helladrol previously.
Stats: 23 years old, 170cm @ 78 kg. Been training for 6-7 years. Bodyfat 10% ish.
My contest is in late september. Got 10-12 weeks to prepare. I could really need some help to set up a cycle!
I was thinking:
Test E 250mg x2 per week
aromasin EOD
Helladrol 1-4 or 1-6 kickstart
Clomid/nolva PCT
That is what i got.
This will be my first cycle of Test. I have ran helladrol previously.
Stats: 23 years old, 170cm @ 78 kg. Been training for 6-7 years. Bodyfat 10% ish.
My contest is in late september. Got 10-12 weeks to prepare. I could really need some help to set up a cycle!
I was thinking:
Test E 250mg x2 per week
aromasin EOD
Helladrol 1-4 or 1-6 kickstart
Clomid/nolva PCT
That is what i got.