Pre-contest cycle


Amateur Bodybuilder
Alright im about 20 weeks out from my show. NPC Battle at the River. This is my 3rd show, but i've never ran a pre-contest cycle before. Here is what im planning.
1-8 test p 100mg eod
1-8 mast p 150mg eod
1-6 anavar 100mg ed
5-8 Winstrol (winny) 75mg ed

Will only use clen/t3 if needed but dont think so. I know im gonna get asked about tren, but honestly im just not ready.
What do you guys think? particularly about the test dosage. Is this enough test to maintain my muscle? My goal is to make the heavyweight class so 220-225 on stage.
Im 5'11" Thanks in advance.
Alright im about 20 weeks out from my show. NPC Battle at the River. This is my 3rd show, but i've never ran a pre-contest cycle before but here is what im planning.
1-8 test p 100mg eod
1-8 mast p 150mg eod
1-6 anavar 100mg ed
5-8 Winstrol (winny) 75mg ed

Will only use clen/t3 if needed but dont think so. I know im gonna get asked about tren, but honestly im just not ready.
What do you guys think? particularly about the test dosage. Is this enough test to maintain my muscle? My goal is to make the heavyweight class so 220-225 on stage.
Im 5'11" Thanks in advance.

To be honest tren is way over hyped on sides, night sweats arnt the bad part of tren it's just insomnia, if you sleep good now with ease it may be a little bit harder, but I always take about 6mg of melatonin and 30mind later I ready to go to sleep!

You can do low dose of tren at 100mgs EOD.

It will make you pre comp ALOT better!! Body will be to the next level!!
Looks a little heavy on orals but that just me...I don't think you need anavar and Winstrol (winny) in a prep that is only 8 weeks...if you did a 15 week prep then yes but I would drop the anavar, add tren @100mg eod (or 50mg/ed for less hormone fluctuation) and use Winstrol (winny) 5-8 or 4-8 for some hardening the last few weeks. The tren will do what the anavar did in terms of dropping bf and the strain on your body from orals will be less.

That is a personal choice though as far as the orals go. You know best what your body can handle. good luck man
Thanks guys, if I was to use tren i would likely drop the var. Im not sure on injectable or oral Winstrol (winny) yet, im sure i could handle ed injections for 2 or 3 weeks. I'll check AML's tho 4everbulking. I agree that tren is the best option if I can grow the balls ha.