Pre-cycle pics..


Dial a Ho 07940344498

Come on I need serious comments only..Should I drop more bf % before running my cycle, or just go for it..
I would also stick to cutting for the summer. Those pics are hard to tell but it look like your at around 15% body fat.
I don't think your bodyfat is that bad, really.

If you run a cycle, you will be able to add alot of mass and lose some fat while you are at it. You just have to be smart about your diet.

- Keep Protein High (minimum of 2g/lb of bodyweight)
- Eat Protein/Carb or Protein/Fat meals (try to avoid mixing carbs and fat)
- Have a carb cutoff time (ie. 7pm - no carbs after that time)
- Supplement with EFA
- Light cardio for 20mins on off days (optional)
- Keep your diet clean. Focus on eating whole quality foods!!!
Easto said:
I don't think your bodyfat is that bad, really.

If you run a cycle, you will be able to add alot of mass and lose some fat while you are at it. You just have to be smart about your diet.

- Keep Protein High (minimum of 2g/lb of bodyweight)
- Eat Protein/Carb or Protein/Fat meals (try to avoid mixing carbs and fat)
- Have a carb cutoff time (ie. 7pm - no carbs after that time)
- Supplement with EFA
- Light cardio for 20mins on off days (optional)
- Keep your diet clean. Focus on eating whole quality foods!!!

i agree run some cutters and eat clean.
Looks liek you're making some good progress Londonchunkalunk. Way to go.
Yeh im thinking around

300g protein
and about 4000 cals a day.

If i stop gaining then bump the calories and protein up..

Im currently 18%bf 215lbs
I also have Winstrol tabs, would it be a good idea to take them at all during my sust cycle, or save them for another time, and see how i react to one Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) first..

I was thinking of a Test e / winstrol cycle for the second one.