Hey everyone. First post but I've done a little lurking. Im 21 years old and have sort of reached a plateau with my lifting. I don't use many supplements, just whey protein, glutamine, and creatine, but I would like to try a prescription testosterone booster.
I got in touch with a nearby doctor who does a lot of hormone stuff, and I am scheduled for a "full panel" blood test. Depending on the results of this, he may or may not start prescribing me testosterone. He has ads in his office for Testim, so I think its pretty likely this is what he would prescribe. I am pretty new to the "anabolic scene" so I have a few questions I hope some of you can help with.
1) Any tips to temporarily lower my testosterone for this test? Only suggestions I have found so far are to stop eating, sleeping, and sex/masturbation a day or so before the test. There was also one weird suggetion about taking a birth control pill. Do these work? Any other ideas?
2) Is there even an accepted cut-off level for prescribing T or is it open to intepretation? I don't know how critical this guy is going to be about the results. He has prescribed me unnecessary pain medication in the past so I would guess he's gonna be pretty lax. Because of that, I would appreciate any relatively easy tips for temporarily lowering T but I won't be doing anything too extreme (if you tell me to soak my sack in ice water for 12 hours its probably not gonna happen).
3) Any reviews or feedback on using Testim (for bodybuilding, not aging problems)? I have tried searching around but haven't found a whole lot about it. Found a little bit more about Androgel, but even that was pretty scarce. Any suggestions for how to use it once I begin?
Thanks for any help. I'll be sure to let you all know how it works out, both with the doctor and with the Testim (assuming I get it).
I got in touch with a nearby doctor who does a lot of hormone stuff, and I am scheduled for a "full panel" blood test. Depending on the results of this, he may or may not start prescribing me testosterone. He has ads in his office for Testim, so I think its pretty likely this is what he would prescribe. I am pretty new to the "anabolic scene" so I have a few questions I hope some of you can help with.
1) Any tips to temporarily lower my testosterone for this test? Only suggestions I have found so far are to stop eating, sleeping, and sex/masturbation a day or so before the test. There was also one weird suggetion about taking a birth control pill. Do these work? Any other ideas?
2) Is there even an accepted cut-off level for prescribing T or is it open to intepretation? I don't know how critical this guy is going to be about the results. He has prescribed me unnecessary pain medication in the past so I would guess he's gonna be pretty lax. Because of that, I would appreciate any relatively easy tips for temporarily lowering T but I won't be doing anything too extreme (if you tell me to soak my sack in ice water for 12 hours its probably not gonna happen).
3) Any reviews or feedback on using Testim (for bodybuilding, not aging problems)? I have tried searching around but haven't found a whole lot about it. Found a little bit more about Androgel, but even that was pretty scarce. Any suggestions for how to use it once I begin?
Thanks for any help. I'll be sure to let you all know how it works out, both with the doctor and with the Testim (assuming I get it).