Preworkout Meal


Musclebound bookworm..
This may be a stupid question, but it needs to be asked.. I have been training for about 2 yrs now but have just recently gotten into the dieting and supplementing side of the game. Now I picked up this Creatine/NO2 supp and it told me to take it 30 minutes before working out on an empty stomach... This confuses me because I thought that a Preworkout meal is very important (mine happens to be a Protein bar and a Fruit serving).... So when should I eat this meal in order to have an empty stomach for the supp but still have it's benefiting affects on the workout... Basically how long can you wait after consuming your pre workout meal to workout and still benefit from the meal??
dont worry about it...youll never really have an empty stomach, especially around workouts. Just eat about 1-1.5 hours before a workout, and take the creatine about 30 minutes before the workout.