Primobolan....tren without sides?


New member
Lets; talk Primobolan. From what I hear it's a wonderful compound, but is expensive and needs to be run at high doses to see the magic.

People say at high doses it gives the same effects of tren without the side effects. (Hard grainy look, vascularity, ability to add muscle on a calorie deficit, fat loss, etc...)

Has anyone had the chance to run REAL primo at high doses? Would you say it compares to trenbolone? Let's hear your thoughts :)
I haven't run primo but I can say it is far from tren. You can get the difference in potency simply by looking at their anabolic/androgenic ratio.
Primobolan 88:44-57
Trenbolone 500:500

Personally I don't believe it is possible to gain muscle on calorie deficit diet regardless of gear you are using. Where body gets the energy to build muscle if it gets less than it uses?
I might be wrong but that just don't make sense to me. Unless you have very high bf% so body can get energy from there. Still I don't know does it work that way.
Or maybe tren has that ability because enhanced nutrition efficiency or something like that.

So I think no, primo is not tren without sides.
I haven't run primo but I can say it is far from tren. You can get the difference in potency simply by looking at their anabolic/androgenic ratio.
Primobolan 88:44-57
Trenbolone 500:500

Personally I don't believe it is possible to gain muscle on calorie deficit diet regardless of gear you are using. Where body gets the energy to build muscle if it gets less than it uses?
I might be wrong but that just don't make sense to me. Unless you have very high bf% so body can get energy from there. Still I don't know does it work that way.
Or maybe tren has that ability because enhanced nutrition efficiency or something like that.

So I think no, primo is not tren without sides.

Nutrient partitioning. This is why tren (finaplix) is given to cattle weeks before slaughter. To lean them down and increase mass.
Yes I have. I ran high test 600 mg high primo 750 mg and low tren 50 mg EOD. 75 mg proviron ans .25 aridex 2-3 times a week. I will be using same dose but 75 mg tren EOD. Great stack. For cutting. I keep my carbs at 100 so I am a beast in the gym. But use carb cycle. Especially on leg days. I do get bad pip with primo. Aml primo is too notch dosed at 150 mg per ML. Only side affect was little tren cough and some back acne. And temper/rage from the tren. But u need that when your on low cal diet to hit it hard n the gym.
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Primo is one of the weakest steroids there is. It and EQ are the weakest injectables you can take. Even at high doses, long durations the gains are minimal at best. The biggest benefit to primo is that it is probably the safest steroid there is. Other than that it doesnt have much going for it IMO. I ran it 2x in the past, at high doses, for long cycles. Pharmaceutical primo. I was less than impressed. When you factor in the cost it is not a steroid I ever plan on using again unless I get it for free or something.
Nothing compares to tren. Primo is like gh. It's overrated.
While I agree that primo is overrated, why would you state that GH is? It's the only substance available that repairs and regrows connective tissues, aids in fat mobilization, repairs hair and skin, and can actually generate new muscle tissue.

Maybe you know something I don't, but GH (at proper doses) certainly appears to be one of the hormones that is totally worth the hype it receives.
While I agree that primo is overrated, why would you state that GH is? It's the only substance available that repairs and regrows connective tissues, aids in fat mobilization, repairs hair and skin, and can actually generate new muscle tissue.

Maybe you know something I don't, but GH (at proper doses) certainly appears to be one of the hormones that is totally worth the hype it receives.
It's my opinion, that's it. I used it for over a year from 2iu-7iu Ed and won't waste my money on it again. It doesn't compare to aas. Especially tren.
It's my opinion, that's it. I used it for over a year from 2iu-7iu Ed and won't waste my money on it again. It doesn't compare to aas. Especially tren.

You a younger guy? I know I'm personally on a waiting list to get GH prescribed to help prevent further joint degradation and possibly heal up some tendons that have taken some abuse over the years.

I can't disagree with you though, as we're all looking for something different out of each compound. I personally wouldn't take hgh to get bigger, just to help undo some of the damage I've done to my body over the last couple decades. :)
Thanks for the opinions fellas. That's exactly why I started this discussion. I've heard some say primo is magical at high doses and is one of the few steroids that actually builds muscle on a calorie deficit. Similar to tren, but obviously nowhere near as strong on a mg per mg basis. It appears that some have a different opinion.

Anyone have great results from primo? I'd love to hear your experience.
I've been gradually adding more and more primo to the gear-chest (over multiple orders) - because of the cost
and plan on running it later this year.

From all of the studies and feedback I've seen or heard... for many people (not all) that primo is a favorite addition
to their cycle, because of the clean and steady gains.

The best way I could describe the impression I have... would be based on my own comparison and experience
form past cycles...

In other words - I've had very heavy cycles that have produced great results, but the sides weren't always
equally as fun to match the gains... and I've had other cycles that have made me feel GREAT throughout the
whole cycle, but the gains weren't equally as rewarding as how good I felt throughout the cycle.

However, with primo - the gains are on the higher side (not the highest) but the overall feeling is also very high.

I've heard some people say they won't run a cycle without primo -but those are far and few because of the

I'm at a little higher than the 1/2 point of having enough primo to properly run at the right dose and for
the desired duration... and will post my experience once I do. :D