Primobolan vs. Masteron cycles


New member
I read they are both kind of similar. Both are considered "safe steroids". Primo seems less risky, but pricey. I have no problem paying for it. Masteron is cheaper and I'm sure is not for long cycles. I'm not sure I've seen a masteron cycle that is as long as 8 weeks. I read of one that is just 4 weeks. Not sure why. Maybe it's for "finishing touch".

There seem to be mixed facts about masteron. I read somewhere on some forum that it increases high blood pressure but it really doesn't. So which one is it?

I'm not new to bodybuilding or gear. I just have no experience with Primo or Masteron. I'm looking for that lean vascular look. I'm not looking to blow up 20 pounds heavier as I have before with the use of Test, HGH, and Anavar. I'm a big fan of Anavar. I have used it on a 50 day cycle by itself, 100mg daily (50mg morning and 50mg at night). No problem as I have used liver support (in my case Milk Thistle dietary supplement), and prostate support (saw palmetto dietary supplement).

I will always include Anavar in my cycles from now on but I would have to stack it with either Primo and or Masteron. That's why I'm here to find out which one would be a good ancillary.

I read that Masteron works great when body fat is low. Would it be best to do a Primo/anavar cycle then once body fat is low enough, I can then add Masteron in the mix? It will either be a Primo/anavar cycle or a Masteron/anavar cycle, or a combination of all 3 steroids altogether.

I'm not a big fan of Testosterone's side effects that's why I want to keep it out of my cycle if possible plus I don't plan on blowing up. I think Primo and Masteron can suppress natural testosterone production that's why Testosterone shots are needed. So if it's mandatory to use Testosterone, the minimum I should use is 200mg weekly, correct?

Now since Primo and Masteron (more likely) will reduce my own natural testosterone levels, testosterone supplementation would be necessary. Since I'm not a big fan of Testosterone due to its side effects (gynecomastia, etc.), could I simply use a SERM (Clomid) in place of Testosterone? Clomid increases production of gonadotropins. Shouldn't this counteract Masteron's reduction of my own natural testosterone production? If that makes any sense. Or what other AIs or SERMs would be best suited for this situation?

I like what I read about Primo and Masteron, is that they do not need any on cycle or off cycle therapy, but some people will argue (only if they were stacked with an ancillary like Testosterone then it would require an on cycle therapy/off cycle therapy).

My 12 week cycle might look like this:

First 6 weeks:

400mg weekly Primobolan (200mg Monday, 200mg Thursday)

Next 6 weeks:

400mg weekly Primobolan (200mg Monday, 200mg Thursday), 50mg Anavar daily, adding Masteron the last 4 weeks at 50mg every other day or every 3 days.

Let me know what you all think.
I think either or would be good honestly. But you should definetly add at least 300mg's of test a week minimum. If your worried about testosterones side effects, just use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on your cycle. And at 300mg's a week, with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you won't have to worry about test side effects. Also, masterone acts like an estrogen blocker itself. Its given to women who have breast cancer to stop the estrogen to attach to the receptor.

In my opinion a Test/mast/anavar or Test/primo/anavar would both be solid cycles.

But test should be the base of every cycle. Everyone here will tell you that.
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Isn't the purpose of Test is to counteract other steroid's effects of suppressing natural testosterone production? If you use Primo or Mast, natural testosterone production would be suppressed, that's why most people have to stack testosterone in their cycle. I was asking this because if Clomid can produce gonadotropins, Testosterone use could be eliminated? Could using Clomid (or other AIs or SERMs) be an alternative to using Testosterone? I'd like to hear from others. Also, not all cycles need testosterone as base. I have done an anavar only cycle for 50 days (100mg daily), and an anavar/HGH cycle with no Testosterone. This wasn't a bulking cycle after all. The cycle you're probably implying is a bulking cycle which I think the use of Testosterone would greatly help as it "blows" you up, but the side effects are there.

I think either or would be good honestly. But you should definetly add at least 300mg's of test a week minimum. If your worried about testosterones side effects, just use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on your cycle. And at 300mg's a week, with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you won't have to worry about test side effects. Also, masterone acts like an estrogen blocker itself. Its given to women who have breast cancer to stop the estrogen to attach to the receptor.

In my opinion a Test/mast/anavar or Test/primo/anavar would both be solid cycles.

But test should be the base of every cycle. Everyone here will tell you that.
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like was said above test should be the base of all cycles. you said your not new to gear but run anavar only cycles. don't take this the wrong way but those statements contradict each other. i think a little more research on this site will be helpful to you
Bulking or cutting all depends on your diet. Your correct. When you say it counter acts the supression. To be honest, I've never used clomid as an anti supressor. I've always used test as a base to all my cycles, cutting or bulking.

And when you say test blows you up, that's just water retention that can be countered with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Testosterone used correctly with a proper diet can promote lean muscle gain and fat loss.
There aren't many people that advocate oral only cycles on this site.

Maybe someone else can chime in about using clomid instead of test, but in my opinion test should be the base of all cycles.

Good luck!
whatever. read my original post again. I have done cycles with Test before. I'm not new to gear. I didn't like using Test and will avoid it if I could, thus I have done cycles using only Anavar (gives me the same strength as when I was on Test, but without the sides and not much gains, just strength). I have done Anavar/HGH cycles. I am no hard gainer, probably you are? That's why you didn't want to understand my post? Test should be the base of all cycles WHEN BULKING or anything suppressive. Anavar/HGH cycle is not suppressive, that's why I got away without the use of Test or any on cycle/post cycle therapy. My original post is to find out if I could get away without the use of Test when using Primo or Masteron. Using Primo and Masteron does not require any ancillary for on cycle or post cycle therapy. I was trying to find out if I could replace Test use with Clomid instead as the latter increases gonadotropins. I guess no one here have done the cycle I am trying to do?

like was said above test should be the base of all cycles. you said your not new to gear but run anavar only cycles. don't take this the wrong way but those statements contradict each other. i think a little more research on this site will be helpful to you
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so you have experience with primo but not mast? like I said on my original post, I might add Masteron during the last 4 weeks of my 12 week cycle as a "finishing touch". Good idea I guess?

From my experience primo helps build lean quality muscle and masteron is just a hardener wont help build muscle
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TEST SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE BASE WHETHER BULKING OR CUTTING DIET DETEREMINES WHETHER A BULK OR CUT. but seriously do whatever you want you obviously don't need any help you know what your doing
Would 250mg instead of 300mg be fine, since test E comes in 250mg vials? If it were propionate then it would be convenient to inject 300mg since propionate usually comes in 100mg vials. I'm just going for measurement convenience. LOL. Cypionate is 250mg vials as well. I have used Test E that's what I know. Are you suggesting to use Test Propianate then?

How's a Test/mast/anavar/primo cycle altogether? Are 4 compounds just too much?

I think either or would be good honestly. But you should definetly add at least 300mg's of test a week minimum. If your worried about testosterones side effects, just use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on your cycle. And at 300mg's a week, with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you won't have to worry about test side effects. Also, masterone acts like an estrogen blocker itself. Its given to women who have breast cancer to stop the estrogen to attach to the receptor.

In my opinion a Test/mast/anavar or Test/primo/anavar would both be solid cycles.

But test should be the base of every cycle. Everyone here will tell you that.
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Would 250mg instead of 300mg be fine, since test E comes in 250mg vials? If it were propionate then it would be convenient to inject 300mg since propionate usually comes in 100mg vials. I'm just going for measurement convenience. LOL. Cypionate is 250mg vials as well. I have used Test E that's what I know. Are you suggesting to use Test Propianate then?

How's a Test/mast/anavar/primo cycle altogether? Are 4 compounds just too much?

That looks like a solid clean cycle....also the primo will enhance the test...
I have to be honest bro, your posts are really hard to read... Your kind of all over the place. Everyone is telling you to use test as a base for a reason. Did you do blood work with your anavar only cycle? I'm willing to bet you were shut down for a fair amount of time... All this can be answered by reading the stickies. Any way your going to do what you want.
No blood work while on my Anavar only cycle. Not sure how to determine if I was shut down or not. I believe Ananar can shut you down if it's a long cycle like 12 weeks and at over 80mgs daily. Testicles never shrunk. If that's how to determine if I was shut down or not. Libido was there. No acne, hair sort of thinned out but sometimes it looks ok. Could be just my figment of imagination. LOL. But I am taking the advice of using Test for my next cycle. Maybe the reason why I never felt I was shut down was because of my use of liver support (Milk Thistle) and prostate support (Saw Palmetto), Vitamin C (1g), high quality Vitamin E (with all 8 of its types), Vitamin D (5000 IU), Magnesium (250mg), and Multi Vitamin. My current cycle of Anavar only cycle is only 50mg daily for 50 days.

I have to be honest bro, your posts are really hard to read... Your kind of all over the place. Everyone is telling you to use test as a base for a reason. Did you do blood work with your anavar only cycle? I'm willing to bet you were shut down for a fair amount of time... All this can be answered by reading the stickies. Any way your going to do what you want.
Is there really a difference between the 3 types of Test other than convenience? Test E is more likely used for convenience (shot once or twice a week). Test P is more likely every other day, correct? Don't know much about Test C or Sustanon.

Prop would be your best bet!!
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Test Prop is a fast acting ester, if you want to use Primo or Masteron, they are both drugs that should be administered ED to EOD, this is how you would run Prop, also if you are going to be doing either one of these compounds I imagine you are trying to lean out so Prop is better for that!!