Private MD Labs, Mid Cycle blood test question


New member
What do I need to be focusing on when selecting my bloods. I know to get the female hormonal panel. But what else? Male hormonal? Or testosterone test?
What do I need to be focusing on when selecting my bloods. I know to get the female hormonal panel. But what else? Male hormonal? Or testosterone test?

I'd add thyroid and prolactin if anything. Other than that, you should be good to go. Unless you're on a 19-nor; in which case, I'd use their sister company,
You don't think I need to get a test specifically for test? It will just show in greater than 1500

If you want an actual number, you have to pick the sensitive assay. I think they call it testosterone for hypogonadal males lc/ms-ms. It's like an extra 40 bucks or so. I just use instead when I want an actual number, as that's included.
When I get my Estradiol , checked I ask for the Sensitive assay. Some may do a conversion but for me I just like it told as what I WANT to KNOW? Then FOR ME there is no confusion and the money even for me isn't that great a difference FOR ME to get a female lab test.

Just me, but isn't it easier...Question?