New member
13% bf
train 4-5 days a week, on and off for 6 yrs, consistent now
diet- tightening it up
craze, creatine, whey, afterglow.
I'm looking to gain some mass with as little bf as possible. I haven't taken the plunge into AAS yet, but I would like to know what are some other alternative supplement that are legal and can be purchased anywhere without worrying if they are legit or not. Any advice on this would be really appreciated. I purchased 2 bottles of USP Labs Powerfull but haven't tried them out yet.
d-pol (natural testbooster, not aas)
13% bf
train 4-5 days a week, on and off for 6 yrs, consistent now
diet- tightening it up
craze, creatine, whey, afterglow.
I'm looking to gain some mass with as little bf as possible. I haven't taken the plunge into AAS yet, but I would like to know what are some other alternative supplement that are legal and can be purchased anywhere without worrying if they are legit or not. Any advice on this would be really appreciated. I purchased 2 bottles of USP Labs Powerfull but haven't tried them out yet.
d-pol (natural testbooster, not aas)