Pro-Hormones that convert to actual Steroids


New member
What up.

I was wondering how many compounds are currently on the market, that do in fact turn into legitimate Steroids after ingestion.
From what I've read, there aren't that many available.

Halodrol -> Turinabol - methylated
Trenavar -> Trenbolone - non-methylated
Dimethazine -> Superdrol - non-methylated ???

Are there others?
It would seem, that Halo gives you lean gains with almost no sides. Tren appears to be quite potent for cutting and Sdrol basically turns you into a fish tank.
I have not found any data or logs that suggests, that DMZ actually leads to lasting gains...
So, I am contemplating to run a Halo / Tren stack next, with a recomp cycle in mind.

This is months out, so plenty of time to keep reading.

Bring on the suggestions / opinions guys :)
How many cycles have you ran before?

Halo does have side effects. Hell Epi has side effects and its really mild compare to Halo. I would say just run Halo and nothing else.

Also all of them give lasting gains. The problem is that people don't diet or do their pct correctly. Serioulsy, it's like one of the main reasons people don't log their foods most of time.
Any particular reason you don't just go with the real thing?

Injectables...more results/fewer harsh side effects - not certain but guessing they certainly aren't more expensive than pro hormones either.
Injectables (especially just a test e cycle) is cheaper than a PH cycle.
Unfortunately, one is legal, the other is not.
I would say, legal concerns are my number 1 reason for being interested in PHs in the first place.

Snow: I am glad you are commenting on here.
If memory serves me right, didn't you just mention somewhere else, that you gained like 8 lbs on a tren cycle and about 15 on a 12 week test cycle?
While people always bash PHs, it seems that the "right" ones (like halo) do perform quite well. Even in comparison to injectables.

Colbert: I am running a Halo cycle right now, with what you consider way too high dosage and 0 sides.
Gains are no where near what I was hoping they would be LOL, but hey, better some than none I suppose.
Injectables (especially just a test e cycle) is cheaper than a PH cycle.
Unfortunately, one is legal, the other is not.
I would say, legal concerns are my number 1 reason for being interested in PHs in the first place.

My history is likely very different from yours, and it so happens that steroids aren't illegal here but even if they were I wouldn't bat an eyelash - I kind of suspect most LE wouldn't care about personal use either. Just a guess though.

Snow: I am glad you are commenting on here.
If memory serves me right, didn't you just mention somewhere else, that you gained like 8 lbs on a tren cycle and about 15 on a 12 week test cycle?
While people always bash PHs, it seems that the "right" ones (like halo) do perform quite well. Even in comparison to injectables.
Tren definitely wouldn't be my first choice for gaining mass. When I started the cycle I didn't have a clear goal, which was a mistake and I don't necessarily regret using tren since I've never been this big and lean before in my life, but my preference at this point would be "even bigger'. When I say 8lbs, I mean hard pounds...and it could be 10 by the time I finish - and probably close to 10% on all lifts so again it's not necessarily a failed cycle, just not exactly what I decided I wanted (too late). My "gains" have been severely hampered by two serious-ass flus, a shitty VMO injury and other extraneous factors.

On test @ 500mg/wk, I gained closer to 22-25lbs, including water weight - post PCT, with post-bodyfat = pre-bodyfat it was a legit 15lbs.

Edit: my tale of woe - doesn't start when I started my cycle, just when my quad blew up:
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Thanks for the detailed answer.
It would seem though, that folks like Yoke and Barnzy have achieved what you have on test using Halo, but in 6 weeks...

What am I missing here?
According to Dre, you don't gain a lot of muscle on PHs. But you do on Test...
If you gain 15 lbs post PCT with either method, why would one be better than the other???

Does not compute.
If you gain 15 lbs post PCT with either method, why would one be better than the other???

Does not compute.

I, like dre have a very hard time believing you can add 15lbs of legit muscle in six weeks, especially using pro hormones. I'm not calling anyone a liar, but I'm very very skeptical.
I am (as my screen name implies) a noob and even I have managed to gain about 10 in 5 weeks now.
Is all of that muscle? I am sure it is not, but I am also quite convinced, that I have LOST bf, rather than gained any over said time period.
So what else can it be? If it's not fat, not all of it water (very low water retention with halo and I am using a lot of Forma on top), what else is there that can mimic gains?
Not so mention that my measuements are going in the right directions and I look visually better.
I, like dre have a very hard time believing you can add 15lbs of legit muscle in six weeks, especially using pro hormones. I'm not calling anyone a liar, but I'm very very skeptical.

It's possible. I've seen 25lb gains from 6 wks of helladrol, I assume 10 is water which would leave 15 as muscle.

Now holding all of that post pct is tough and can be hard to believe but does happen.

Some guys respond really really well to any sort of anabolic. Especially guys who have been natty all their life.
I am (as my screen name implies) a noob and even I have managed to gain about 10 in 5 weeks now.
Is all of that muscle? I am sure it is not, but I am also quite convinced, that I have LOST bf, rather than gained any over said time period.
So what else can it be? If it's not fat, not all of it water (very low water retention with halo and I am using a lot of Forma on top), what else is there that can mimic gains?
Not so mention that my measuements are going in the right directions and I look visually better.

No all that is not muscle. It can be water if you think it is not fat but remember that fat can be stored anywhere. Also how are you weighting yourself? How much carbs are you taking in? How much water are you taking in? Under what conditions do you weight yourself?
I weigh myself every morning after I get up and hit the bathroom.
I drink about 4-6 l of water every day.
Not sure on the carbs, would have to look it up (I just eat what 3J tells me to...).
Epi is more harsh on my body than hella ever was

Epi is harsher than Halo? How? Not being an ass but like I really want to know. From my understanding epi is much milder than Halo.

I weigh myself every morning after I get up and hit the bathroom.
I drink about 4-6 l of water every day.
Not sure on the carbs, would have to look it up (I just eat what 3J tells me to...).

If you are under 3J you should be fine but ya it is hard to keep all those gains. You might end up with 7-8 lbs maybe 10 after pct which is REALLY really good.
Which is my point. IF (big IF) I can gain and retain 10-15 lbs post PCT, that my assessment would be, that at least for beginners, orals are superior to injectables.
Comparable gains - comparable cost - NO legal issues.
Epi is harsher than Halo? How? Not being an ass but like I really want to know. From my understanding epi is much milder than Halo.

If you are under 3J you should be fine but ya it is hard to keep all those gains. You might end up with 7-8 lbs maybe 10 after pct which is REALLY really good.

Ill look back and get exact numbers what I gained, and what I have kept from 6 weeks of hella and a PCT without a Serm...I wasnt saying Epi is harsher, I am saying for me personally, Epi gave me every side imaginable, hella gave me back pumps which I dont consider a side its just par for the course.

That being said I loved every second of Epi, as I compare hella and epi now, I gained more on hella and have kept way more, but the feeling I got on Epi and the aggressiveness that accompanied it is well worth any side
I went from 183 on Day 1, to 205 On day 1 of PCT, I have been off for 8? weeks maybe 9 and I weighed 202 yesterday.

22lbs on cycle, kept 19lb so far. Ill take that any day of the week.
What kind of sides did you experience with Epi?

Very agressive, high blood pressure to the point I could feel my teeth pulsating and face always flushed, slight acne, towards the end I started getting sore breast...went on PCT was fine for 5 weeks or so and then had rebound for whatever reason and had extremely itchy/sore nipples. Did another pct and was fine. I will be more prepared next time
Wish I was this lucky. LOL
Oh well, may be the price I pay for being porky :P
But then again, my cycle ain't over yet!