What up.
I was wondering how many compounds are currently on the market, that do in fact turn into legitimate Steroids after ingestion.
From what I've read, there aren't that many available.
Halodrol -> Turinabol - methylated
Trenavar -> Trenbolone - non-methylated
Dimethazine -> Superdrol - non-methylated ???
Are there others?
It would seem, that Halo gives you lean gains with almost no sides. Tren appears to be quite potent for cutting and Sdrol basically turns you into a fish tank.
I have not found any data or logs that suggests, that DMZ actually leads to lasting gains...
So, I am contemplating to run a Halo / Tren stack next, with a recomp cycle in mind.
This is months out, so plenty of time to keep reading.
Bring on the suggestions / opinions guys
I was wondering how many compounds are currently on the market, that do in fact turn into legitimate Steroids after ingestion.
From what I've read, there aren't that many available.
Halodrol -> Turinabol - methylated
Trenavar -> Trenbolone - non-methylated
Dimethazine -> Superdrol - non-methylated ???
Are there others?
It would seem, that Halo gives you lean gains with almost no sides. Tren appears to be quite potent for cutting and Sdrol basically turns you into a fish tank.
I have not found any data or logs that suggests, that DMZ actually leads to lasting gains...
So, I am contemplating to run a Halo / Tren stack next, with a recomp cycle in mind.
This is months out, so plenty of time to keep reading.
Bring on the suggestions / opinions guys