Pro-Hormones that convert to actual Steroids

So far I have got 4 lbs in 2 weeks on hella with no sides not even back pumps. Strength is going way up and look/feel great. Hella is a good product so far for me and the legality of it is what makes it so appealing to some in my opinion.
This is a good thread, let's see, if we can get some more content.

Anybody have any other compounds on their list that do convert to "the real deal"?
I have always believed that they don't convert to actual steroids because of my experience with various AAS and PH/DS. Superdrol was very harsh for me, shut me down, felt dehydrated and I gained some strength... Halodrol also dehydrated me but gave me overall good feelings, great pump, more energy, 18lb gained, kept 14lb. Epistane had me feeling the best, libido was highest out of any PH I have ever used, joints felt good, got more dry, energy was cool, strength increased...

For example tho, CEL X-Tren didn't ever come close to Tren Ace... if it converted I should have gotten similar results.

My experience.
Epi-strong is on sale guys at Mr supps right now, Epi is a strong PH that provides lean gains and huge strength with no water either, well worth a look.
Glad to see my thread is still alive.

Would be even better if we could stir up some more info on the original topic. haha
Enjoy while your on. Eat everything you can and use some osta in pct to keep making gains.

yes, eat everything you can...great advice for someone to gain muscle and not fat. Jesus people come on.

Your diet should be more restrict while on anabolics than ever because you don't want to waste your time gaining fat and barely making any gains. Plus with the side effects they have you should try to be healther than every.

And this is a quote from heavyiron about Osta...
In men, no statistically significant differences from placebo in change from baseline values for free testosterone, DHT, estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), or LH were observed at any GTx-024 dose tested. However, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) was significantly reduced with GTx-024 3 mg versus placebo. The decrease in SHBG was accompanied by a reduction of serum total testosterone in subjects treated with 1 mg or 3 mg of GTx-024 compared to placebo. This data demonstrates that Ostarine is total testosterone suppressive but free testosterone, LH and FSH were not statistically suppressed. Higher doses are likely more suppressive.

If you are going to use osta, fine. But I would say don't and just try to do a normal pct.

Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs OSTA Rx For Cheap!
I agree with Colbert on the Osta.
I am aware that quite a few guys on here like it for PCT, as they keep making strength gains, but guess what, I made some strength gains during PCT too - without Osta...
Not worth the risk IMHO.
I agree with Colbert on the Osta.
I am aware that quite a few guys on here like it for PCT, as they keep making strength gains, but guess what, I made some strength gains during PCT too - without Osta...
Not worth the risk IMHO.

I personally ran it by it self (not during PCT or anything) and when I dropped it I used the good'ole AI with DAA for it's "PCT"...guess what...I got gyno from it. Needed real stuff to get rid of it. I was running 12.5mg/day of it too.

Not worth it but everybody wants to always to be on something.

You can at least try GH...3iu a day and you'll be good to go with great gains.