Prohormone advice


New member
Prohormone advice
Ok I am looking for advice on a well established and safe prohormone plan. First off, Here is some info:
29 years old
6' 170 lbs
11% bf
Lift 6 days a week
Cardio 2-3 times a week
Eat fairly clean/high protein diet
Take 60-80 g whey protein/day

I have done a 6 week and 8 week prohormones cycle in the past with good results but they were not the safest runs. I want to do another runFTP gain about 10 lbs and get stronger. I am a little smarter in my supplement taking now, and I've researched for a while now, but just get more confused. I am looking for what product I should take that is effective, not too expensive, and on the safer side? Also with that product, should I take any cycle assist, liver care, etc.? I know to post cycle, but if you can also reccomend a a good match.

I can figure out dosages and durations, just looking for products. Any recommendations, especially from previous experience, would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have done 2 pro hormone cycles (both stacked) so far, first with amazing results and 2nd with mostly strength increases. The Truth is there is no safe pro hormone on the market but the best ones i have tried are Super DMZ 2.0 and Trenazone. Very strong if dosages are right but sides CAN be harsh. I experienced pumps throughout the body but i found ways to manage sides. Lots of water, high- Taurine dosages, high carbohydrates (for headaches), taking power naps when needed, and keeping nutrition on spot. . Take milk thistle for liver protection.

IMHO i would try doing natural bodybuilding as long as possible and reaching your potential before you experiment with pro hormones and steroids. judging by your weight i think its easily possible to put on 30+ lbs before your ready for Performance enhancement. I would drop your training sessions significantly also. focus on Training muscles to failure with 2-3 sets a body part and less then 4 sessions per week. also drop BC AA's your whey protein sups are already loaded with them.. try this for 3 months and i would be surprised if you didn't gain 10 lbs... easy!

any more questions let me know

Your best bet for a safer PH with little to no sides and isn't too harsh would be Epi or Helladrol in my opinion. Run them for 6-8 weeks at respectable dosages and you will put on 5-10 lbs of lean maintainable gains.
Your not doing the basics right yet man. At 29 you would be a lot heavier after two ph runs.

I'd look toward your diet and training.

Throwing tons of compounds at u isn't going to put muscle on automatically.