prohormones effective?


New member
Hey all im 26 y.o 10%bf been lifting for 5 years now my diet is down pat and so is my lifting ive hit a point were i want to use AAS or prohormones whats the difference ?? If i were to use an AAS i would go with test p 1-12 1.5ml eod aromasin eod .5mg My question is simple is thier any prohormones that would be effective in giving me a harder more vascular look ? if so what ones
thanks fellas :basket:
Hey all im 26 y.o 10%bf been lifting for 5 years now my diet is down pat and so is my lifting ive hit a point were i want to use AAS or prohormones whats the difference ?? If i were to use an AAS i would go with test p 1-12 1.5ml eod aromasin eod .5mg My question is simple is thier any prohormones that would be effective in giving me a harder more vascular look ? if so what ones
thanks fellas :basket:

If you have a nice connection to AAS and you aren't afraid to inject, risk suppression, etc etc...

then the AAS will be more effective (depending on dose) and safer (if compared to methylated ph's).

If you do care about the above and do NOT have a solid connection I would consider the following:

harsher liver toxic Ph's --
Ultradrol (msten)--2,17a-Dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one
DMZ--17beta-hydroxy 2alpha,17alpha-dimethyl 5alpha-androstan 3-one azine
Halodrol --4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3b,17b-diol

Run those for 4 weeks if you wish and prime your liver with Liver Juice (high potency milk thistle) 2 weeks before --during--after.

NON methyl PH's
Trenazone (dienelone)--estra-4,9-dien-17b-ol-3-one)
Trenavar (trendione)--Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione
MaxLMG --
Furazadrol--5a-androstano[2,3-c]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether

You could use any of these on their own and do well, and also run for 6-8 weeks without liver toxicity. You could also STACK them with a methyl steroid from above^

Best absorbed non-liver toxic androgens:
AndroMass v3--3b-enanthoxyandrost-4-en-17-one) ,3-beta-undecanoyloxy-5-alpha-androstan-17-one,3-alpha-enanthoyloxy-5-alpha-androstan-17-one)

AndroHard --3-beta-undecanoyloxy-5-alpha-androstan-17-one, 3-alpha-enanthoyloxy-5-alpha-androstan-17-one

AndroBulk -- 3-beta-enanthoxyandrost-4-en-17-one, 3-beta-enanthoyloxynorandrost-4-en-17-one

These esterified hormones will minimally shutdown your HPTA function, allowing for fast recovery and better gain retention.
Also, they can be cycled for longer period of time for more solid gains --8+ weeks.

Personally I think Pro-hormones are much worse on your body than injectable steroids, but if that is your only option I have seen a gym buddy gain anywhere from 10-15 lbs (not all muscle) while on Beastdrol
They are harder on the liver which is why we all say to take a form of liver support. For those that dont want to risk illegal AAS they are effective but harsh if used wrong.
They are harder on the liver which is why we all say to take a form of liver support. For those that dont want to risk illegal AAS they are effective but harsh if used wrong.

Very much so, and though the liver is tough its best to keep it as healthy as possible. Something along the lines of N2Guard can have an impact of how healthy you feel when cycling a PH/DS.
thanks fellas. I have cycled before (test e ) so im not scared of taking the plundge with needles or anything i just want to explore all my options. Pretty much all im trying to do is gett to 7%bf whilst retaining my muscle coz if i cut natty i struggle to maintain it all. Would any prohormones be able to compete with a cycle of test-p 1-12 1.5ml eod aromison .5 eod anavar 8-12 //PCT NOLVA 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50 ??? also ur thoughts on that cycle would be awsome i am prone to acne but have just recently finished an accutane course my liver is functioning fine :)
thanks fellas. I have cycled before (test e ) so im not scared of taking the plundge with needles or anything i just want to explore all my options. Pretty much all im trying to do is gett to 7%bf whilst retaining my muscle coz if i cut natty i struggle to maintain it all. Would any prohormones be able to compete with a cycle of test-p 1-12 1.5ml eod aromison .5 eod anavar 8-12 //PCT NOLVA 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50 ??? also ur thoughts on that cycle would be awsome i am prone to acne but have just recently finished an accutane course my liver is functioning fine :)

What dose does that all come out to per week?

it reads like this 3ml of test prop a week
the var i dont have a dosage on its only a maybe coz alot of my bros have been giving it raps .
alright man, i know what your saying. when i was new i was only introduce to cc's. so that is what i thought everyone else spoke

each ml = 1 cc. each ml or cc will have a mg content. like 1ml -100mg. so every 1 cc or 1 ml is 100mg of what said inj compound is. most test e/c (slow acting test) is 250mg per 1 ml or 1cc.

so you would pin 2cc's or 2 ml's per wk for a 500mg a wk dose. So you need to figure out what your hook up is talking about.
to answer your ?

i like a combo of ph/aas. the ph for the oral kick start. they are common, cheap, easily available. why not use em??

epistane with test would be good. or a furuza a/katandrol.
yeah yeah i get u epistane with test how would u run that exactly post cycle therapy (pct) included ?? ive read a little about epistane seems fairly mild yet popular .
just ordered some epistane powder . now all i need is test.p which i will get from my kind friend . what else do i need pct ? aromasin for water ??
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't try SARMS or peptides.

Try using Ostarine with a nice peptide like CJC1293 mod with a ghrp or Ipa.
HEY osta coz AAS r for men, na but seriously do u guys offer any products that r Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and r for on cycle water retention ?
Looks like we may need to take this back to the drawing board and re-think a steroid cycle since we cannot give dosages being used due to inability to read labels or friends selling you label-less gear without coaching you -- or--whatever the case....

They are harder on the liver which is why we all say to take a form of liver support. For those that dont want to risk illegal AAS they are effective but harsh if used wrong.

I think that is the issue for me, I live out in the country where I have my home gym only, thus I come here to learn as I do not have any gym mates to get aas from or some where abouts.

Either way though with researching it seems that prohormones may tear up your liver if not supported right. I think your spot on Orbit!