All garbage bro, clones of real AAS.
There are plenty of PH's that will give you good gains if your diet and training are done right.
but most the time its really just the training and diet haha
Still not worth it imo, no one knows how toxic to the liver these things really are, ill stick to pinning and reall orals.
What is a "real" oral? Superdrol is just as much a steroid as anavar
Bro anavar was made for medical purposes by a real lab, superdrol was made by a ugl and never prescribed.
Bro anavar was made for medical purposes by a real lab, superdrol was made by a ugl and never prescribed.
from my personal experiene. m-drol(superdrol clone) shut me down harder than real aas. so nay would be my answer
mg for mg superdrol annihilates anavar in results...
The sides of SD are lame and I would rather use var any day of the week over SD....but SD is a monster.