Prohormones oral cycles yay or nay? worth it?


New member
I tried M-drol and H-drol before thats it M-drol was good but H-drol was decent. My thoughts are well there arent many PH that were good as they first came out. Are there any good Ph out there now that are worth buying? that you know of?
Like all the good ones i heard of back in they day like a yr or two ago arent available anymore not made or had to be stop being made. So thats why i ask
I had awesome results with superdrol, but I never recommend taking any oral..including prohormones without test. And def would use some liver/cycle support like N2Guard.
Bro anavar was made for medical purposes by a real lab, superdrol was made by a ugl and never prescribed.

mg for mg superdrol annihilates anavar in results...

The sides of SD are lame and I would rather use var any day of the week over SD....but SD is a monster.

agreed... there are pros and cons to each side and some are obviously better than others... you can accomplish a ton on injectables but you can as well with ph's... its up to you on your dedication, diet, etc... some are obviously more toxic than others and sometimes you will react a different way to each one... I definitely believe that there are some excellent ph's out there... you just have to pick the right ones! =)
the ph stacks like methadrol etc.. are strong and give you some awesome gains if you train hard and diet right. methadrol is comparable to dbol.
I stuck myself with needles for years but have always had the best gains from superdrol & dbol cycles. Maybe I'm one of the few that responds better to orals?