prolactain sides and cabergoline


New member
ive finished tren cycle over a month ago but im still having some prolactin sides(slight lactation) ive been taking.25 mg of caber e3d for a month but cant get it to stop. Not sure if i need to up the dosage slightly to .50mg e3d or maybe eod. Any suggestions?
i had a comp metabolic panel done 4 weeks ago all normal except for ast/alt. which im working on. Im having more bloods done next week(which im paying for). What type of test do you suggest? any particular company i should order labs from?
i had a comp metabolic panel done 4 weeks ago all normal except for ast/alt. which im working on. Im having more bloods done next week(which im paying for). What type of test do you suggest? any particular company i should order labs from?

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