Prolactin Problems/ Advice Needed


New member
Finished up a cycle of sust , dbol and tren. Awesome cycle but after my pct prolactin problems still here. Man milk and low libido. I ran no ai and had no caber on hand during cycle. Yes I know. Im a fucking idiot. Anyway, I have my hands on some caber,adex and gear for a test en, sust and dbol cycle that im gonna start at the first of the year. Any help on how to go about treating my prolactin gyno issues? Should I treat and then cycle? Treat and cycle at same time?

Upcoming cycle will look like this:

Week 1-4 : 250 mg sust and 250 test en week.
50-75 mg dbol

Week 5-8 : 750 mg sust/ test en

Week 9-12 : 1000 mg ( 500 sust/500 test en)

Adex throughout at .5 eod. Adjust as needed.

How would I incorporate the caber.

Stats :
42 years old.
5' 9"
195 lbs.
15 percent bf.

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Your second cycle proposal looks like a "fucking idiot" set it up. Why are u planning to use test e and sust? Why are u increasing the dosage so much? Why are u even planning another cycle when u got issues?
Thanks for the reply. Good friend and experienced gear user said he likes the hell out of test en /sust mix ( 50/50 test sust) Nothing set in stone. Im gonna have my tits cut on in the near future so just looking for some advice on keeping my issues where they are and not get worse. I mean whats the big deal about bitch tits anyway? Almost every man my age has some saggy titties! Especially those that dont work out. Thanks for the reply though.
Impossible that your issues are prolactin related... any sides that were prolactin related WILL subside once the compound causing the problem is stopped

These sides are most likely estrogen related... and to limit the web paranoia of tren causing prolactin sides, unless u were running 1gr+ per week it WASNT the tren!

How about pct, did u run one?
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Thanks for your time China Wall. I did run a pct. Pretty basic pct. Nolva and clomid. I screwed up somewhere cause it didnt work. Im thinking lack of ai and estrogen rebound kicked my ass. (Or my tits) I tapered off the sust too but just didnt get something right. Wasnt my first cycle and I love tren. Just looking for my sweet spot. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Did you get blood work to see what's going on? You have no idea what your numbers are and are planning another cycle?

Get blood work post the results and go from there
id hope by the age of 42 you'd gain at least a little bit of common sense...

why no AI and DA?
why no blood work?
why run 2 types of tests with very similar half lifes?
why ask for help if you don't really care anyways?
why would you accept being like everyone else and having saggy tits.. ?

usually its the young kids that fuck everything up but lately it's been older dudes who make us all look like imbeciles
Just stick with test e, 500 or 750 per week, 12-15 weeks

Adex or aromasin start to finish

Pct of clomid 50mg/nolva 30mg ed for 30 days, begin 3 weeks after last test injection
Man I'm trying not to bash you brother, but running a cycle with no AI is like taking a gun to war with no bullets. I'd clean these issues up first, do ALOT of research(we have stickies), have everything in hand gear wise next time before letting the first pin fly
And btw the pyramid shit, throw that shit away. Lol. Start with an amount and stick with it. Stability, stability, stability......
Thanks for all the advice. Definitely learned my lesson. Posted mainly so some other gear users could learn from my mistake.

Definitely going to get bloods done before next cycle. Ask for the hormone panel right?

Stability, Stability, Stability yurned on a light bulb. Makes perfect sense.

Since I have achieved embicile status I will post back again and share the rest of my "experience".

One thing for sure is that while there are basic guidelines for gear use everyone reacts different to every substance.

Going the cautious route is best. Take my word for it.

Thanks again.
I believe if you use pvtmdlabs you have to prolactin it is a separate test. Check what is included on the hormone panel your getting. I got the male hormone had to add prolactin.