Finished up a cycle of sust , dbol and tren. Awesome cycle but after my pct prolactin problems still here. Man milk and low libido. I ran no ai and had no caber on hand during cycle. Yes I know. Im a fucking idiot. Anyway, I have my hands on some caber,adex and gear for a test en, sust and dbol cycle that im gonna start at the first of the year. Any help on how to go about treating my prolactin gyno issues? Should I treat and then cycle? Treat and cycle at same time?
Upcoming cycle will look like this:
Week 1-4 : 250 mg sust and 250 test en week.
50-75 mg dbol
Week 5-8 : 750 mg sust/ test en
Week 9-12 : 1000 mg ( 500 sust/500 test en)
Adex throughout at .5 eod. Adjust as needed.
How would I incorporate the caber.
Stats :
42 years old.
5' 9"
195 lbs.
15 percent bf.
Upcoming cycle will look like this:
Week 1-4 : 250 mg sust and 250 test en week.
50-75 mg dbol
Week 5-8 : 750 mg sust/ test en
Week 9-12 : 1000 mg ( 500 sust/500 test en)
Adex throughout at .5 eod. Adjust as needed.
How would I incorporate the caber.
Stats :
42 years old.
5' 9"
195 lbs.
15 percent bf.
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