Proper time wait after blast for test levels to return to normal?


New member
Just started pinning 400mg a week of T400. My next TRT appt is April. What is the proper time to wait after a blast for levels to return to normal? Is 4 weeks enough?
Should be. Remember that you will come down faster if you stop pinning for a while vs. returning to your TRT dose.

I recommend doing a trial run. It is easy to overshoot and come in with really low levels which will peak your docs interest as well.
test levels usually return to normal after about a month-6 weeks, but its the other levels that fuck you. my boy got into deep shit with his doctor 2 months after he finished a blast, but his free test and some other hormone was really high. honestly, after a little time of being on PCT its probably best to tell your doctor what you do.

after my friend got into shit with this HRT doctor, he told him what he does, and the doctor advised him to always stay on his regular TRT prescribed to him throughout his blast.

by the way, how old are you and how much test are you prescribed weekly? and what level does taht dose put you at?
Just started pinning 400mg a week of T400. My next TRT appt is April. What is the proper time to wait after a blast for levels to return to normal? Is 4 weeks enough?

That's a pretty moderate blast, I agree with Tron in that a month should be fine. I always order a private test a week or so prior to my doctor prescribed labs just to be sure. That way, if I pop high still, I can make up an excuse to push things out another couple weeks.