Protein Powder Stomach Issues

I use CNP products... mainly Pro-Peptide (Whey & Micellar Casein blend) Pro-Whey, and Pro-Recover...

The Pro-Peptide is specifically worth a mention for your needs as it contains unique probiotic organisms, supporting protein digestion and a healthier gut.
Would a fissure be made worse or triggered by protein or hitting the crapper more often due to the protein intake? Very frustrating because obviously not getting the extra from protein powder makes building muscle that much more difficult.

fissure will be wors in case of diarrhea and other bowels disorders. As well as external damage.
If protein intake cause any of the said problems it could cause the fissure's disturbance.
Has been a major issei myself. Might be an intolerance. Try a brown rice protein. Decent amino acid profile. I've had great results. Add in some agave to a chocolate flavour some pb and banana and you have an awesome shake.