Protein question


New member
I'm on HRT and without going into details I'm pretty sure my testosterone is about 2500ng/dl all the time. Before I decided to cut a massive amount of fat (and the fat is just about gone) I was making huge strength gains all the time for the four months I worked out before I went on the diet. My strength has done nothing but slowly fall off for the five months I've been dieting. I am now interested in gaining some more lean mass, which I have to raise my calorie intake to do, I realize.

Basically, my plan is to take the 2300 calorie diet I was on for months and months and just add 4 300-calorie whey shakes at 44 grams of protein each. I'm six feet tall, I have a big frame and I can bench six reps of 275 right now (I probably could have done that with 310 before I went on the diet). So I'm pretty sure those calories with exercise still will be less than I burn, but not by too much. I probably don't burn more than 4000 a day and quite easily less unless I get plenty of aerobic.

Figure I'll grow? What I really want is to pack on some lean mass for a while without gaining much or any fat. I don't mind much if it's a bit slower than it could be.
I'm on HRT and without going into details I'm pretty sure my testosterone is about 2500ng/dl all the time. Before I decided to cut a massive amount of fat (and the fat is just about gone) I was making huge strength gains all the time for the four months I worked out before I went on the diet. My strength has done nothing but slowly fall off for the five months I've been dieting. I am now interested in gaining some more lean mass, which I have to raise my calorie intake to do, I realize.

Basically, my plan is to take the 2300 calorie diet I was on for months and months and just add 4 300-calorie whey shakes at 44 grams of protein each. I'm six feet tall, I have a big frame and I can bench six reps of 275 right now (I probably could have done that with 310 before I went on the diet). So I'm pretty sure those calories with exercise still will be less than I burn, but not by too much. I probably don't burn more than 4000 a day and quite easily less unless I get plenty of aerobic.

Figure I'll grow? What I really want is to pack on some lean mass for a while without gaining much or any fat. I don't mind much if it's a bit slower than it could be.

I don't see a question about protein in there. :)
with 2500ng/dl of testosterone in your blood, you should be able to grow just by thinking about muscles. im not super familiar with drugs, but that number seems glaringly high - the "normal" range for free testosterone is ~400-800ng/dl. seems odd that you would be prescribed to so much. if thats the case, whats the name, number, and address of your doc?

four 44g shakes comes out to about 700 calories, so youre looking at about 3000 calories total. If that puts you enough over maintenance calories, sure, you will grow. If not, you probably wont. Diet recommendations when on drugs varies of course, but generally I see 2x bodyweight in protein as being the most important. You can probably get away with 1000 calories over maintenance on training days, possibly a little less on non-training days. Thats about the extent of my drug knowledge.
On what I'm doing-- basically, I had low testosterone that was symptomatic and my doctor figured it out and put me on androgel-- but that was too expensive, so I researched on the Internet and found a way to get it compounded in a cream instead by a pharmacist and save a lot. I also did some research and found out that the reason that testoderm patches were put on the scrotum was because that skin is uniquely permeable to testosterone-- about five times as permeable. My tested values for T when I use the cream properly are about 400-450. When I put it on my scrotum, I have not had that tested, but I've got bacne for the first time in my life, I grow like crazy, I want to fuck every chick I see and I'm ridiculously vascular. But I was on a long weight-loss diet and all I did was slowly lose strength despite the hormones.

I started the protein on Monday, and the difference has been ridiculously dramatic. One thing that is different is that my muscles are more inflamed after exercise, I would imagine because there's ample protein in my system to grow with. Another is that I actually added noticable strength between my two workouts of the same body parts in the same week, after flat to declining for five months. It's making me want to drink the shit out of whey shakes, let me tell you.

I'm going to PM you because you sound like you have some good knowledge, and you might not come back to read this.
LOLs yeah the only way Suareez would stop postin is if he was dead, you can pretty much garauntee he'll be back (insert Arnie joke here) ''optional''.