protein synthesis/digestion


bro im like 3% bf i swear
9 out of 10 people say that the human body cant absorb more than 25grams of protein at a time blah blah yada yada.

I am looking for the truth..

i am 6'4
probly around 8 or 9 % bf
i am not on the juice..i understand that would enhance synthesis..but i am not on right now

am i wasting my time drinking 50grams of whey along with milk (20grams of protein worth) for post workout..??
I think it would depend on your normal protein intake as well as intake over the day. I do, and many I know, use the IF protocol Where you only eat 8 hours out of the day. During this time I know many eat around 100g of protein per meal. Wether or not it all gets absorbed is really unknown as we aren't running all the proper test but I am pretty sure we aren't just pissing it all out.