Protien & Branch Chain's?


New member
I'm 225 pounds and take about 300 grams of protein daily.While working out i'll take a serving of BCAA's to feed my muscle's and then 50 grams of protein along with 60 to 80 grams of carbs post workout! I have Isopure, and Extreme mass gainer which are both rich in Branch Chain Amino's! The point im trying to make is if all these proteins have heavy amount's of BCAA's, what's:yumyum: the point of taking them separately? The only reason i can think of is digestive, maybe taking amino's separately are absorbed much faster, idk. Would i get the same results drinking 3 to 4 BCAA shakes a day? Do i really need to take it separately? Could i just drink a protein shake while i work out?
Kind of a loaded post/question there. Well....protein shakes obviously have CALORIES in them, and bcaa's do not.

Your body needs calories to grow and put on muscle. BCAA's are good to take during the day during periods where your not eating to keep your body anabolic, and keep a positive nitrogen balance. Or during fasted cardio, or in the middle of the night, etc.. But again...they don't have calories in them. They are better at preventing catabolism, don't rely on them to promote anabolism in the absence of adequate calories.
BBE hit the nail on the head. When I was doing intermittent fasting my workouts were all done fasted. Lifting included. I would have one serving of BCAA's before my workouts and sip another during my workouts. I would then have my first "meal" immediately post workout in the form of a post workout shake, followed by a solid meal 45-60 minutes later. The BCAA's decreased the catabolic effects of working out fasted. I lost very little muscle mass while fasting, but lost a lot of fat. I certainly think the BCAA's helped in the regard.
If your wanting to cut weight no matter what the heck you do lol take it from my fat arse, you will have to cut calories but keep tabs on your nutrition. I strive for higher protein foods, with leaner cuts of meats, and your healthier carbs. Fats I hardly eat sugary food, but will eat almonds, every day. Just remember diet and training are key then add supps to help. I like to use Myosfusion protein with my morning shakes or post workout.
BBE hit the nail on the head. When I was doing intermittent fasting my workouts were all done fasted. Lifting included. I would have one serving of BCAA's before my workouts and sip another during my workouts. I would then have my first "meal" immediately post workout in the form of a post workout shake, followed by a solid meal 45-60 minutes later. The BCAA's decreased the catabolic effects of working out fasted. I lost very little muscle mass while fasting, but lost a lot of fat. I certainly think the BCAA's helped in the regard.

Im eating six meals a day, every two to three hours. So your saying it would b good to have branch chains in between those meals, or if i am late eating, or miss a meal? If i sup my breakfastshake for branch aminos , how long am i cool before needing to eat?