Pullinbig, this is your final warning - and I mean it!


I'll give you until tomorrow to pick out an appropriate avatar, otherwise I will be forced to select one for you. Right now I am currently searching for fuzzy little kitties wearing leather bondage attire.

Also, if anybody has a suggestion for an avatar for pb, please post the pic or the link to the pic. All suggestions welcome since I don't seem to be getting many kitties in my search for 'pussy leather bondage', however I might have to continue searching just for educational purposes.

I'm not joking around this time, pb.
OK here's the dealleo oh great and merciful one from texas. the man who put a boot in none other than the world renown "animal", the man who tutored me for years before he sent me out on my own to be rude and belittle folks for being stupid.

we will gather all entries and post them, then let the masses vote on it. the winner receives a free 20ml 50mg/ml bottle of some of PBs world famous M1T. guaranteed to put at least 10 lbs on even the hardest gainer out there. winner must live in the continental US as i dont ship out of the states.

all entries must be in no later than 8/6/04. votes will take place over the ensuing week and a winner will be picked (not bugers either) on 8?13/04.

hey tex wtf is my other star. i only got three and dadawg got 4 and you got 5 like a effin general or sumpin. sittin up dare wit dem stars all shiniin my eyes and shit. what up wit dat?

anyway hope this will make everybody happy. OK with tex and its OK by the PB. that reminds me of a wittle story if you got a minute. and yes its a true sto-ree.

lonf long time ago PB got in some trouble with the federal government. uncle sam gave me nine years to think about it. course back then you cold get paroled out the day you went in. not like that now. too many vote snatchin politicians out there. (thats another story so i wont get side tracked). anywho....... upon arriving at the federal big house in atalnta ga (where none other than all capone and johnny paycheck did time) i was greeted by a warm and loving group of men. =0) arms outstretched wit big smiles all over day faces. they made me feel very welcome. i was home at last. well as you can imagine there are some small practical jokes that get played in there to pass the time if you will. any of you guys ever had the intestinal virus where you shit and puke in the same toilet simultaneously? well i have. and i had it for 5 days and nights at this luxurious Inn. as you know the only release you get from the pain and agony is whilst you sleep. so one day i was dreaming away in my bunk thinking of scantily clad kitties and stuff whenst i had a sudden urge to pee all over myself. you know the feeling i am sure. upon awakening from my nap i noticed the guys had a soup ladel fgrom the kitchen full of water and had placed my big toe in it trying to get me to pee all over myself. i had already shit all over my self so they figured it was only right to complete the cycle. those guys. i got each and every one of them bac after i fully recovered from the virus. but one thing always stcuk with me after that adventure and that was the nickname they gave me whilst a was shittin and pukin my guts out fore days. they would take turns follwing me to the toilet area and call my nam whilst i did my dirty. they woud chant
"PooPoo" "PooPoo" "PooPoo"

ah the love those guys displayed was refreshing as were my bowels. a couple of year sago one f the guys from in there who now lives in va. beach called me to see how i was doin and he asked my wife was poopoo at home. i had to explain the story to her as i have to you guys. aint being able to type fun?

masybe in some future posts ill describe the ingenius ways that i got my revenge. mine were much better than there little sissy ass incident.

here kitty here kitty
pullinbig said:

all entries must be in no later than 8/6/04. votes will take place over the ensuing week and a winner will be picked (not bugers either) on 8?13/04.

anyway hope this will make everybody happy. OK with tex and its OK by the PB. that reminds me of a wittle story if you got a minute. and yes its a true sto-ree.

masybe in some future posts ill describe the ingenius ways that i got my revenge. mine were much better than there little sissy ass incident.

here kitty here kitty

Lmao, it's ok with me.

And I'd be interested in hearing your revenge stories.
TxLonghorn said:
Lmao, it's ok with me.

And I'd be interested in hearing your revenge stories.

a man of your caliber will apprciate my devilish demeanor when it comes to revenge. all in fun of course.
you guys are at liberty to label me as you please. i will wear it with pride. and dont forget free m1t for the winner. world famous PB m1t. dont get no better than that. normally an $80 value too!!!!!! what a guy that PB is. tex wil have to figure out how to post entries and take votes. he needs something to do anyways.
8/13? We have to wait a whole month?

'course it'll probably take that long before picture attachments work again anyway.*

*sorry Biggie & Tx, it was a cheap shot, I just couldn't resist
pullinbig said:

hey tex wtf is my other star. i only got three and dadawg got 4 and you got 5 like a effin general or sumpin. sittin up dare wit dem stars all shiniin my eyes and shit. what up wit dat?

lonf long time ago PB got in some trouble with the federal government. uncle sam gave me nine years to think about it.
the sad part is that im a lot more shocked pullinbig can count to 5 than i am that hes done time :jump: :laugh: :laugh3: :laugh4:
here are my thoughts for avatars for PB....

PB's order of cats the day he got out of trouble....

here is a cat currently on one of PB's bulking cycles....

heres a cat after a successful PB bulking cycle...

and for the hell of it....heres a set of nice uns for you all to drool at...

and heres a nice pic for the old guys who are hopped on Cailis....

PB finally gives in and tests Halo on his cat...after a couple days of war, he finally traps the roid ragin cat...

One day, PB finds out that his test supply has been draining and narrowed it down to this poor guy....

Knowing that Andre Avigdor could be somewhere jealous that PB is loved on the training forum more than he is....he appoints his cats to guard duty...
damn youy boy you got talent. too bad you aint in the usa. you juat might be the winner
if a non americam wins he can pick whoever he wants in the us to recieve the m1t